VM Commands not working over SSH


New Member
Aug 10, 2020
Hi Everyone,

I'm completely new so this might be a really easy one for you. :-)

When running commands such as 'qm list' from within the shell on the web interface, it returns a list of my VM's. But when running the exact same command logged in as root via putty/ssh, i get 'command not found'. (pic attached) 1597094306419.png

Thanks in advance!
My first guess would be that the PATH variable is not set correctly when using ssh
since the putty session seems to indicate that you intially logged in as user kirby - how did you become root?
(su? sudo?)

if su - check https://wiki.debian.org/NewInBuster

else - does it work if you run `/usr/sbin/qm list`

I hope this helps!
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Yep by default it wont let me login as root so have to login as my kirby account then 'su' to root. running the command as '/usr/sbin/qm list' gave me a result.

Thank you Stoiko :)
Yep by default it wont let me login as root so have to login as my kirby account then 'su' to root. running the command as '/usr/sbin/qm list' gave me a result.

Thank you Stoiko :)

if you run su root then the environment will still belong to the previous user.

instead you can run su - root (note the dash) or sudo -i to set the environment correctly. that way qm and other commands in sbin will work normally