[SOLVED] Unable to take VM snapshot

Lucas Rey

Well-Known Member
May 18, 2018
Hello community,
I moved 2 disks from below VM from local-zfs to local and now I'm not able to take snapshot anymore, proxmox gives me:
The current guest configuration does not support taking new snapshots

I moved other VMs disk from local-zfs to local and I'm able to take snapshot without issue, I don't understand why the VM102 gives me that error

Here the current VM 102 config:
agent: 1
bios: ovmf
boot: order=sata0
cores: 2
efidisk0: local:102/vm-102-disk-0.raw,size=128K
memory: 4096
name: HAS
net0: virtio=DE:72:B7:20:B0:43,bridge=vmbr0
numa: 0
onboot: 1
ostype: l26
sata0: local:102/vm-102-disk-1.raw,size=40G
scsihw: virtio-scsi-pci
smbios1: uuid=69dd5983-1600-4260-a454-5afafce27737
sockets: 1
startup: order=5
usb0: host=1cf1:0030,usb3=1
vmgenid: b7882124-a107-4817-b0ce-7b94f27a3bbd

Any clue?
Thank you
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Thank you for reply. But, I'm assuming this behaviour is only on local storage, Because with the same VM with disks in local-zfs I was able to take snapshot.

EDIT: Thank you again, it works perfect. I converted the raw disk to qcow2 using the CLI, and now I'm able to take snapshot
qemu-img convert -f raw -O qcow2 vm-102-disk-1.raw vm-102-disk-1.qcow2
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If you take a look at the table in Chapter 7.1 of the manual [1], you can see that local ZFS supports snapshots. However, the storage called "local" is Directory-backed by default. It only supports snapshots if the qcow2 format is used. Since your configuration shows that the raw format is used (hence the vm-102-disk-1.raw in sata0: local:102/vm-102-disk-1.raw,size=40G), snapshots are currently disabled. Once you move them to the qcow2 format you should regain the ability to take snapshots.

You can check which storage type is used under "Datacenter > Storage" in the "Type" column.

Hope that makes sense!

[1]: Table 2, https://pve.proxmox.com/pve-docs/pve-admin-guide.html#_storage_types
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Absolutely clear, thank you. However this is the storage config:

Image 001.png
My goal is remove local-zfs and extend the local. So I'm moving all disk from local-zfs to local.
I know that I am late to the party here.. Question, one was to move the storage to a qcow2, will that delete any of the data? I see an option to delete source; will that just delete the .raw and allow the qcow2 to be the primary storage and all data will be retained?
I know that I am late to the party here.. Question, one was to move the storage to a qcow2, will that delete any of the data? I see an option to delete source; will that just delete the .raw and allow the qcow2 to be the primary storage and all data will be retained?
The qemu-img convert command in my old post, will just convert from raw to qcow2 keeping the original raw file and its content. Then you have to do some other steps e.g. detach original disk and then attach the new qcow2 disk to the VM, and sure, delete the raw file if you don't need it anymore and after you checked that qcow2 works as expected.