Unable to reach the web interface of Proxmox VE


New Member
Nov 13, 2020
Hey guys, maybe you can help me. So, I run a Proxmox Server at home and for unexplainable reasons I can no longer reach the web interface. Only a white screen is displayed. I’ve already tried restarting “pveproxy” and “pvedaemon”. Even a restart of the complete server didn't help. Maybe you have an idea. Port 8006 is being occupied by pveproxy.
Did you install some updates recently?
Do you see anything in the browsers Console tab in the developer tools?
Did you install some updates recently?
Do you see anything in the browsers Console tab in the developer tools?

I’ve set my updates like this in a separate no-subscription update list:

# PVE pve-no-subscription repository provided by proxmox.com,
# NOT recommended for production use
deb http://download.proxmox.com/debian/pve buster pve-no-subscription

# security updates
deb http://security.debian.org/debian-security buster/updates main contrib

There are three mistakes and a warning, but I can't make any sense of them.


Is there any way to undo the updates or is there another solution?
Hmm, I would try to see what happens if you try to install the latest updates:
apt update
apt full-upgrade

full-upgrade is important in order to resolve new and changed dependencies.
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Hmm, I would try to see what happens if you try to install the latest updates:
apt update
apt full-upgrade

full-upgrade is important in order to resolve new and changed dependencies.

Unfortunately, no updates are available here. What I forgot to say is that I tried to turn off the subscription message by changing the proxmoxlib.js file. This did not work because after each manual update the message was displayed again. Of course I saved the proxmoxlib.js file before. But after I wanted to replace the modified version again with the original proxmoxlib.js, I couldn’t reach the web interface anymore.

Screenshot 2020-11-14 124447.png
What I forgot to say is that I tried to turn off the subscription message by changing the proxmoxlib.js file. This did not work because after each manual update the message was displayed again.
apt install --reinstall pve-manager

This should install everything again for the web GUI to work as expected.

Consider buying a community subscription if you are that annoyed by that pop up and feel good that you are supporting the project and help to pay the developers' salary as well as for infrastructure like this forum :)
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apt install --reinstall pve-manager

This should install everything again for the web GUI to work as expected.

Consider buying a community subscription if you are that annoyed by that pop up and feel good that you are supporting the project and help to pay the developers' salary as well as for infrastructure like this forum :)

Thank you for your help :)