Unable to get device for partition 1 on device /dev/mmcblk0

if you need additional info, please let me know which logs i need to provide to fix this problem.
Not sure if this is solved for other but found this article and it worked for me.
Hey there,

Trying to install PVE 8.1 on my Zimaboard 832 -_-..

Terminal UI Debug Mode:

Odd how when I enter "vi usr/share/per15/Proxmox/Sys/Block.pm" instead of the contents displaying so I can begin searching I get this instead:

- /user/share/per15/Proxmox/Sys/Block.pm 1/1 100%

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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Hey there,

Trying to install PVE 8.1 on my Zimaboard 832 -_-..

Terminal UI Debug Mode:

Odd how when I enter "vi usr/share/per15/Proxmox/Sys/Block.pm" instead of the contents displaying so I can begin searching I get this instead:

- /user/share/per15/Proxmox/Sys/Block.pm 1/1 100%

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I'm having the exact same problem. I tried it with the 8.0 beta and the 8.1 latest.

Would be nice if some one can tell us where we can find the rest of the 284 pages. :)
And... now I'm stuck here as well. It will just be a back-up server for a homelab. Come on people. how much log can one back-up now and then produce... Running windows on it would be worst I suppose. Why bully so much to create this eMMC bug.

Goal, Zimbaboard low power Back-up server for homelab.

Now I gotta buy the 2 sata cable for the Zimaboard and going to use my super old 64GB ssd that is also NOT redundant. Just to boot an os...yaaay

Just say we FORBID you to use eMMC
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Not sure if this is solved for other but found this article and it worked for me.
Came here because I had this when installing Proxmox Backup server and the provided blog post worked for me, though I had to manually format the disk first and prevent the installer from using multiple disk into the ZFS raid, but I just installed PBS into an eMMC server.
Not sure if this is solved for other but found this article and it worked for me.

Another "me too / this worked for me" in PVE 8.

And now, we have a Pull Request to resolve this issue! https://github.com/proxmox/pve-installer/pull/13

TIP: if you have a small drive, like 16/32/64, use ZFS RAID0 to format the boot drive with. It takes advantage of ZFS' shared-diskspace feature. Without ZFS, Proxmox installer for EXT4/XFS defaults to oversized partitions for root and images, completely wasting space. With ZFS, you get to use the entire drive's space for any of the basic needs (images, isos, data, etc).

To protect the drives from cyberattacks/ddos, you can take it a step further and set quotas on the DataSets to ensure one will not fill the drive completely.

EDIT: Ok, they say this repo is read-only (then why allow Pull requests and issues?!). There is a mailing list we need to get involved with to resolve this bug.

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Hi, I'm looking to by a gmKtec nucbox G9 nucbox, it comes with 64GB of eMMC.

Shouldn't it be possible to have proxmox write the logs to another location after installation, thus negating the negative impact of proxmox writing several GB of logs every day?
Giggabites of Logs?! seriously? For a simple backup server waiting idle for some back up now and then?!
Are you talking about Proxmox Backup Server or ProxmoxVE? For PVE this behaviour is "works as designed" and not a problem if you run on recommended ( e.g. enterprise-grade) storage.

Although Proxmox products are open source and can be used for free in a homelab ( I do this myself, since my workplace sticks to vmware) it's not designed for typical homelab Hardware but for usage in corporate and other enterprise environments.

This won't change propably since there are more potential customers in corporate or government environments than r/homelab
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Are you talking about Proxmox Backup Server or ProxmoxVE? For PVE this behaviour is "works as designed" and not a problem if you run on recommended ( e.g. enterprise-grade) storage.

Although Proxmox products are open source and can be used for free in a homelab ( I do this myself, since my workplace sticks to vmware) it's not designed for typical homelab Hardware but for usage in corporate and other enterprise environments.

This won't change propably since there are more potential customers in corporate or government environments than r/homelab
For the life of me, I cannot imagine logs of gigiabytes. And yes, the Back-up server.
So what can gigabytes of logs be about? Even the most verbose router setting I have used does not generate gigabytes of logs. Megabytes of text is already huuuge. I barely see any storage activity on my Proxmox 8.2 machine with 9 vm's. Yes the VM's are stored on a raid controller/drives but the Proxmox OS could have booted from a USB drive or SD card for that matter. As we say in my language, this must be a storm in a glass of water and very belitteling setting to refuse to install the OS to an emmc.
So what's your point? That the installer should be changed? Maybe you are right but that does not help you today. Again I suggest installing on top of Debian. I don't use PBS but if it works anything like PVE it can be installed that way. Worst case you could install it to a container on a Debian host. I know for a fact that Debian will install to an emmc.
For the life of me, I cannot imagine logs of gigiabytes. And yes, the Back-up server.

The backup server should have less write since it hasn't the cluster file system like PVE has. PBS recommends using enterprise ssds for another reasons: You won't have great performance with a network storage or hdds due to the many small files (chunks) building a PBS datastore.

So what can gigabytes of logs be about? Even the most verbose router setting I have used does not generate gigabytes of logs. Megabytes of text is already huuuge. I barely see any storage activity on my Proxmox 8.2 machine with 9 vm's. Yes the VM's are stored on a raid controller/drives but the Proxmox OS could have booted from a USB drive or SD card for that matter. As we say in my language, this must be a storm in a glass of water and very belitteling setting to refuse to install the OS to an emmc.

Just some forum searches:
Or this one:
Biggest problems are the sync writes, so the DBs. My homelab is running like 30 VMs/LXCs and the logs and metrics of those guests are collected and written to DBs. Those logs and metrics alone cause nearly 1TB per day of writes to the SSDs while idleing.

PVE doesn't have its configuration data directly on the disc, instead it's on a ram filesystem which gets synced between all nodes of a PVE cluster:
These data is directly written to a sqlite database. Then there are the metrics for the rrdtools graphs, which also needs to be written to disc.
Even if you don't have a cluster this data still gets written. There are some hacks to move them to a RAM disc but in case of a power failure or outage they might lead to data loss.
Now you need to consider that not only ProxmoxVE but the guests themselves also have monitoring and logging which adds to the writes. If for example you have something like Prometheus, Icinga or Zabbix to monitor your guests, the monitoring data will also need to be recorded somewhere.

For this reasons consumer ssds are already known to have a smaller lifetime than enterprise ssds on a PVE instance. And SD cards are even worse in case of endurance. Vmware ESXI used to be a kind of read-only system so if was feasible to install it to sd cards as boot devices which might be the reason why people expect that that should work with PVE too. But: PVE was never intended and designed to be used in such a way and I doubt that it would be worth it to change that. Allowing to install to a SD card will only lead to more support threads here ala "Proxmox schreds my boot discs" so there is nothing to gain. And reducing the amount of writes might be possible but personally (although a homelabber myself) I don't see much possible benefit for Proxmox Server Solutions GmbH (the company behind PVE, PBS and PMG) since their main target group are commercial or government users who use their products to run their servers. If you have a server you also have the recommended storage and RAM setups (or should at least).

Don't get me wrong: I think it's phantastic that we can use PVE, PBS etc in our homelabs on old mini-pcs without paying for licenses or subscriptions and hope that this won't change in future versions.
But I don't expect the developers to design or develop their products around the expectations of a group of people who don't pay their bills.
Exactly. If you see the thread is like, just be clear in the documentation that you forbid EMMC installations, otherwise one has to search, find this post and find out why its impossible and then start juping hoops.
And then this makes no sense to forbid EMMC usage nowaday's (or in my opinion in general, what about user freedom)

And yes, I find it very annoying the installer is like this and yes it can also be backupped to a SMB share.
Just running a dedicated Zemaboard with the official backupserver seemed a nice plan.
I'm not going to jup though all the hoops and I cheer for the person in this thread who took all this effort to find a workaround. But the workaround is showing I hope how peoples time is wasted with this stupid EMMC being forbidden. I always have an aversion for software and settings that waste your time.

So now I cannot use the second sata port for Raid in mirror and use a 64GB first generation SSD I still had laying around to use to install the OS. So there goes the "safety" reason out the window. The second drive is used for backups of the VM's. Worst case it prevents me from doing a raid mirror for the backup and the best is I can now dual boot with the EMMC of the Zemaboard. Losing an OS in my opinion, bummer, but I always separate OS and data.

But lets stop about ranting on this EMMC being forbidden. I vote for changing the installer and lets keep it at that. I hope more people will feel annoyed buy forbidding emmc installs and it might happen someday so less peoples time is wasted looking for this thread.
In the meantime I looked around on the forums some more. I found a thread that you could symlink the files under /var/log to somewhere else.

In my opinion this should be enough the reduce the wear on the eMMC.

But I might reconsider about the GMKTec NucBox as well :)
In the meantime I looked around on the forums some more. I found a thread that you could symlink the files under /var/log to somewhere else.
This won't help for the cluster file system since it's database lies somewhere under /var/lib.
And a symlink isn't actually the best way to approach that. If you have another, more durable storage media (like a HDD) you could put into the /etc/fstab to mount it to /var. It's way less hassle and error prone than dealing with symlinks.
That being said I will stick to my opinion that ProxmoxVE isn't made to run from MMC devices and that this is not something worth the effort to change that. You can always to something like first installing Debian and afterwards ProxmoxVE if you really want to do non-standard stuff but I wouldn't recommend it:
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