Truenas NFS to proxmox backup server


Feb 21, 2022
mounted the share in fstab and did mount-a

in truenas i configured an nfs share
But everytime i go to add a datastore and add the absolute path to /mnt/ProxMoxSharea it will not back to it. Even though that path is mounted on the backup server.

Am I understanding correctly, that you are trying to host an NFS share in TrueNas and trying to mount it in Proxmox? Or the other way around?

To add an NFS share to Proxmox, you don't need to manually edit your fstab. In the webinterface, click on `Datacenter`->`Storage`->`Add`->`NFS`. All you need to do then is choose an ID name, ip and directory you want to mount.

Hope this helps

Am I understanding correctly, that you are trying to host an NFS share in TrueNas and trying to mount it in Proxmox? Or the other way around?

To add an NFS share to Proxmox, you don't need to manually edit your fstab. In the webinterface, click on `Datacenter`->`Storage`->`Add`->`NFS`. All you need to do then is choose an ID name, ip and directory you want to mount.

Hope this helps
its backup server in proxmox backup server there is no datacenter ...
its backup server in proxmox backup server there is no datacenter ...
You are right, I must have not been paying a lot of attention when I wrote that. That answer is only correct for adding nfs shares to Proxmox VE, not PBS.

Firstly: while it works to add NFS shares to PBS, it is not built for that.
To add a NFS to PBS and use it as a Datasore, you need to adjust your permission in the nfs share [1][2][3][4] since by default a mounted nfs file will have nobody as user and group, which won't allow you to use a directory as datastore on that nfs.
A quick but insecure[5] solution is to export the nfs share with the no_squash_root option.
On the system you mounted the nfs share on, you can check the permissions of files with ls -l. If you used the no_squash_root option, you should have root as user and group.

Once your permissions are set correctly, you can add the datastore in the web interface.
