Unfortunately, this was a mistake made by another tech, I'm just left to pick up the pieces, he had an SSD installed in a system, the SSD was run through a RAID card in RAID0, the SSD was then moved to a different raid card where the array was upgraded, then it was put onto an HBA, to no surprise, the SSD was no longer showing up properly on the lefthand side bar, fdisk recognizes it as a GPT/EXT4 disk/partition attached to the HBA, removing the SSD and plugging it directly into a debian laptop the SSD mounts and all data appears to be intact without an issue, the uncertainty thats leading me to post for help here is what steps I should follow next to get the ProxMox server to re-recognize the disk. I am unsure if it was an LVM or a Directory, all I know is it has some RAW VMs that need to be migrated to a ceph cluster, the SSD mounts on a linux laptop without issue, some guidance on getting this SSD re-mounted on the server is hugely appreciated.