SPICE and VPN - one ip able to connect others not...


New Member
Nov 12, 2015
I set up a road warrior L2TP/IPSec VPN on a PFSense firewall and i have 2 users with static IP. Let's say and in an network an L2TP server located at No issues with that, i followed the PFSense howto.
I connect using the Microsoft Windows 10 built in tool (can't test with another OS a this moment).

Opening a console with NoVNC works fine whatever the user/ip, but when trying to open a SPICE console only the first ip ( whatever the user) is able to get a display.

After spending my morning reading logs, docs, forums, and testing... I'm still stuck (brain error 500 please reboot). What did i missed or not understood ?

Can someone give me a hint on what to do to find what's going on and solve this issue.

proxmox-ve: 6.0-2 (running kernel: 5.0.21-1-pve)
spiceterm: 3.1-1
One difference between noVNC and spice is that spice uses port 3128 directly - noVNC goes via 443 (websocket) - maybe it's a missing fw-policy?

Hope this helps
Then I'd say try tcpdumping on the wire and see if you find a difference between both IPs connecting