SPF rule


Oct 9, 2020
Guys, good afternoon! All right?

I would like to use the PROXMOX email gateway as AntiSpam for a Microsoft Exchange server, however I would like to create some rules that I am applying and it is not working.

For example: In "Mail Proxy" "Options" I deactivated the option "Use SPF" because I noticed that it adds in the header "SPF_FAIL 0.919 SPF: sender does not match SPF record (fail)" when the sender uses –all and IP does not appear in the list of frames.

I am creating the following rule under “Which objects” Type: Match Field / Field: X-SPAM-LEVEL / Value: SPF_FAIL.

In "Mail Filter" I created with priority 80 in "Action Objects" for him to change the header whenever "What Object" is the same as the rule above, however this does not apply.

My question is: Is it really possible to add another line in the proxmox header when a value that is added by it is applied?

The idea is that I modify this calendar so that Exchange can send these emails to Junk Email whenever it comes with SPF fail, is there an easier way to do this?

I tried to find this question in the forum made by another user, but I didn't find it. I depend on these tests to request management approval for contracting the signature of a mail gateway, and I really liked Proxmox, it is the first one I tested, but I have already accepted a lot of nice functionality.

Thanks in advance
because I noticed that it adds in the header "SPF_FAIL 0.919 SPF: sender does not match SPF record (fail)" when the sender uses –all and IP does not appear in the list of frames.
This is not the result of 'use SPF' (if you have use SPF enabled and a sender with SPF policy '-all' tries to send a mail from a not-fitting ip it would get rejected)

SPF_FAIL 0.919 is the result of SpamAssassins analysis of the mail.
if you want to disable this rule you can set a custom score for the SPF_FAIL rule - see https://pmg.proxmox.com/pmg-docs/pmg-admin-guide.html#pmgconfig_spamdetector (section 4.7.3 )

I hope this helps