Skip Mail Filter Rule (Exception)


New Member
Aug 17, 2022
Hello everybody,

1. my goal is to remove some filetypes from incoming e-mails. Up to this it is working perfectly. But how can I realize some kind of exception of a filter rule without sending the mail directly to the recipient? When I chose the action object "deliver" all following filterrules are skipped. I only want to skip one rule.

2. As I unterstood it, the what objects are connected together with an "OR" connection an not with "AND". Is this correct and am I able to change it?

The actions `Accept`, `Block` and `Quarantine` are final. After one of these actions no further rules are checked.
But if you want to remove attachments, then add a rule with a higher priority that only has `remove attachments` as action. Since this is not a final action, the rules with lower priority will still run.
Yes I understand this.
But is there a way to exclude a specific group of domains or email adresses from one rule with the posibility to run the rules with lower priority?
That would require negation which is (currently) not supported.
So no, you could rather limit the `Remove Attachments` rule to certain domains, which is probably not feasible.
What you could do is create separate rules for trusted and non-trusted domains where the trusted ones have a higher priority so they run before the others. Then you could do an `Early Accept` for those domains only.
Not that I know of, and a quick look through the open bugs/enhancement requests didn't show anything regarding this.