
  1. J

    Struggling with LDAP filters for AD sync

    Ive never really done much with LDAP filters before, and I am struggling to create one for my setup. The groups is another issue but right now I am just trying to make one for users. Here is what I have tried already. I have tried memberOf=CN=pve_admins,OU=users,DC=ad,DC=test,DC=com...
  2. J

    Quarantine unsigned e-mails from own domain

    Hi, we receive spoofed phishing emails that appear to be coming from our own domain. In order to filter or quarantine those spoofed emails I activated DKIM signatures for our own emails. Now that all "legitimate" e-mails from our domain are digitally signed via DKIM I was hoping I could filter...
  3. WORK-Microwave

    [WISH] additional types for Who Object Mail Filter

    Trying to optimize security/spam protection a come across some ideas what would be useful to have in Who Object Mail Filter 1. Contacts (from ProXmox Stats) In normal world you usually trust the sender to whom you already send some email. For that would be useful to be able whitelist the or...
  4. WORK-Microwave

    [WISH] Negation (NOT/EXCLUDE) of Object in Mail Filter

    Mail Filter in Proxmox Mail Gateway is powerful tool that have a lot of potential. I have been tuning Mail filter and I come across simple problem how to exclude some Object in the Filter. I am missing some parameter NOT/EXCLUDE when building Filter USE CASE Example: I want to remove dangerous...
  5. L

    apply the rule by text

    I have seen many similar topics, but I have not received an answer. How to make a rule using text with? On the forum send to . It turns out something like /\sometext\b/i = strict match, case insensitive. Did I make the rule...
  6. L

    A rule with multiple conditions

    If several conditions are specified in the filtering rule, for example: the spam rating level and text with (regular expression) - how will the rule work out? Condition or other condition? Or does the operand And = necessarily have to match both conditions for the rule to work?
  7. L

    Skip Mail Filter Rule (Exception)

    Hello everybody, 1. my goal is to remove some filetypes from incoming e-mails. Up to this it is working perfectly. But how can I realize some kind of exception of a filter rule without sending the mail directly to the recipient? When I chose the action object "deliver" all following filterrules...
  8. L

    Spam filter rule to check subject for part of recipient name

    Hi, we currently get a lot of spam where the subject contains part of the email adress the spam is sent to. It's already filtered after passing PMG, but I'd like to not accept the mail at all. Example for "": "j doe You want this" - Text varies - First part is always the email...
  9. S

    What Object - Rule to match a word in mail content

    Hi PMG Forum :) I try to create a rule to match mail content against a regexp. But AFAIK, mail content is not a field like "subject" can be. Am I wrong ? Could you give me the trick to create a rule that can match against mail content ? Thanks in advance, SIFHM
  10. A

    Filter based on "received" header ?

    I need to create a filter for mails sent by a specific host to modify their subject. Between the sender and the PROXMOX other MTAs are involved. I tried to use a "What object" with "Match field" for "received" checking for a unique string but it never matches. I assume this happens because...
  11. F

    [SOLVED] RegEx Add Scores for TLD's doesn't contain specified domain's extensions

    Hello, I search to write "Who" rules for add scores when a domain doesn't finish with .com or .net (per example.) In documentation, I see regex patern for match expressions, eg for *.com : *@*\.com How i can combine two or more values in one expression please? And it's possible to inverse...
  12. S

    [SOLVED] email trotz Filter zugestellt

    Grüß Euch Zusammen, unsere Firewall nimmt als erste Instanz Emails entgegen und tagged als SPAM erkannte Emails im Betreff mit FGspam, gibt diese dann aber weiter. Als Zweite Instanz kommt dann Proxmox MG zu Einsatz. Neben den üblichen Regeln von Proxmox haben wir einen Filter erstellt, welcher...
  13. S

    Mail Problem

    folgendes Problem. Ich habe 2 Mailserver, auf dem ersten sind Hundert Tausende Mails und der zweite ist noch neu und soll künftig zum Einsatz kommen. Die Lösung soll wie folgt aussehen. Proxmox soll Mailadressen Filtern und diese explizit an eine neue IP-Adresse senden, während der alten...
  14. D

    [SOLVED] Inverse match in filter rules

    Hi there. The filter engine of PMG is really great, but there's something I can't achieve : inverse match. For example, I'd like to Bcc every inbound email to a specific address, except if the original dest is (because this email receive a tons of email I'm not interrested...
  15. L

    How to configure spam filter on Proxmox gateway

    Hi Guys, I've read many guide how to configure spam filter such as Body filter or Subject filter but i failed to test on my system, i did created a new Object in Mail Filter -> What Objects . But its doesn't work. Could you guys give me a example how to modify Body filter. Sorry for my bad...
  16. I

    [feature] filter by state in the tracking center

    in the tracking center i can filter by sender, receiver, time-span and "filter" (which appears to be some simple text-matcher, without a regex engine). i find that i would also like to filter the results based on the delivery state, e.g. limit the display to entries that are accepted/delivered...