Simple SDN zone IPv6 HowTo?


Active Member
Jul 26, 2019

we want to setup Simple SDN zones with IPv6 but can't find any documentation about how to configure SLAAC or DHCPv6 for a Simple SDN zone in the WebUI.

Netcup-VPS with two public static IPv4 addresses and two public static IPv6/64 prefixes -> Headscale VPN -> Proxmox VE node -> SDN zone.

One public static IPv4 address and one public static IPv6/64 prefix are used for the VPS itself and the other public static IPv4 address/IPv6/64 prefix shall be routed into a Proxmox VE SDN zone called "dmz". The Headscale coordinator and a Tailscale node are running on the VPS and another Tailscale node is running on the Proxmox VE host.
One public static IPv4 address and one public static IPv6/64 prefix are routed to the tailscale0 network device on the Proxmox host.

Dnsmasq supports DHCPv6/SLAAC/Router-Advertisement but how does it have to be configured for Simple SDN zones in the Proxmox WebUI?

Thanx for any Hint :)
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Similar issue here. I have a /40 prefix but I'm unable to set up dnsmasq to assign DHCPv6 or SLAAC.
Using the similar config as IPv4, I got:
prefix length must be at least 64 at line 3 of /etc/dnsmasq.d/simple/10-simple1.conf
and for dnsmasq config:

In my case, I prefer to use SLAAC. So I manually set dnsmasq config to:
I can get an IPv6 address in VM, but the traffic doesn't go through.
Similar issue here. I have a /40 prefix but I'm unable to set up dnsmasq to assign DHCPv6 or SLAAC.
Using the similar config as IPv4, I got:
prefix length must be at least 64 at line 3 of /etc/dnsmasq.d/simple/10-simple1.conf
and for dnsmasq config:

In my case, I prefer to use SLAAC. So I manually set dnsmasq config to:
I can get an IPv6 address in VM, but the traffic doesn't go through.

I was able to configure an IPv6 SDN subnet in PVE 8.3.2 via the WebUI.
  • Zone
    • IPAM
      • pve
    • automatic DHCP
      • true
  • Subnet
    • Set "DHCP ranges"

VMs get IPv4/IPv6 addresses via DHCPv4/v6.
Routing is next ;-)
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