SDN, EVPN bridge port vrfvx_foo does not exist


New Member
Aug 6, 2022
I'm trying to setup EVPN in Proxmox using SDN but I think I have a skill issue or something any tips would be appreciated.

I've setup the controller, it starts fine and establishes the EVPN, BGP session with my router but when I add a vnet I get the following error
error: vrfbr_foo: bridge port vrfvx_foo does not exist
warning: vrfbr_foo: apply bridge ports settings: bridge configuration failed (missing ports)

ifquery -c -a
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

auto vmbr0
iface vmbr0 inet static                                             [pass]
        bridge-ports enp3s0                                         [pass]
        bridge-fd 0                                                 [pass]
        bridge-stp no                                               [pass]
        mtu 9000                                                    [pass]
        address                                      [pass]

auto bar
iface bar                                                           [pass]
        bridge-ports vxlan_bar                                      [pass]
        bridge-fd 0                                                 [pass]
        bridge-stp no                                               [pass]
        vrf vrf_foo                                                 [pass]
        mtu 1450                                                    [pass]
        hwaddress bc:24:11:0f:ea:ad                                 [pass]

auto vrf_foo
iface vrf_foo                                                       [pass]
        post-up ip route add vrf vrf_foo unreachable default metric 4278198272         []
        vrf-table 1001                                              [pass]

auto vrfvx_foo
iface vrfvx_foo                                                     [fail]

auto vrfbr_foo
iface vrfbr_foo                                                     [fail]
        bridge-ports                                                [fail]
        bridge-fd 0                                                 [pass]
        bridge-stp no                                               [pass]
        vrf vrf_foo                                                 [pass]
        mtu 1450                                                    [pass]

auto vxlan_bar
iface vxlan_bar                                                     [pass]
        vxlan-id 2                                                  [pass]
        vxlan-local-tunnelip                            [pass]
        bridge-learning off                                         [pass]
        bridge-arp-nd-suppress on                                   [pass]
        mtu 1450                                                    [pass]

cat /etc/pve/sdn/*
evpn: eos
        asn 65534

subnet: foo-
        vnet bar

vnet: bar
        zone foo
        tag 2

evpn: foo
        controller eos
        vrf-vxlan 2
        advertise-subnets 1
        ipam pve
        mac BC:24:11:0F:EA:AD

cat /etc/network/interfaces.d/sdn

auto bar
iface bar
        hwaddress BC:24:11:0F:EA:AD
        bridge_ports vxlan_bar
        bridge_stp off
        bridge_fd 0
        mtu 1450
        arp-accept on
        vrf vrf_foo

auto vrf_foo
iface vrf_foo
        vrf-table auto
        post-up ip route add vrf vrf_foo unreachable default metric 4278198272

auto vrfvx_foo
iface vrfvx_foo
        vxlan-id 2
        bridge-learning off
        bridge-arp-nd-suppress on
        mtu 1450

auto vrfbr_foo
iface vrfbr_foo
        bridge-ports vrfvx_foo
        bridge_stp off
        bridge_fd 0
        mtu 1450
        vrf vrf_foo

auto vxlan_bar
iface vxlan_bar
        vxlan-id 2
        bridge-learning off
        bridge-arp-nd-suppress on
        mtu 1450
you can't use vxlan 2 for both vnet && in evpn zone at the same time.

(I thinked we had a verification for this in the gui. Do you have done all the setup through the gui without editing manually the cfg files ?)
you can't use vxlan 2 for both vnet && in evpn zone at the same time.

(I thinked we had a verification for this in the gui. Do you have done all the setup through the gui without editing manually the cfg files ?)
Thank you kindly for the help, switching the vnet to 3 as a test made it work!
This was completely done via the web GUI yeah it, the only error it gave was the log when applying that it couldn't ifreload


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