RPi TC, Spice and Proxmox


New Member
Apr 27, 2017
I test Proxmox on my computer and I want to connect my Rpi 3 for remote display.
I installed RPiTC on my RPi and I configured Spice.
When I boot the RPi, I launch Remote Player, I entered the proxmox IP (spice:// I have the message "connectiong to the SPICE graphic server..." but "Unable to connect to the graphic server spice://192..168.100.150:3128".
It is possible to do this and how ?
Thanks a lot.

PS : Proxmox 4.4, firewall disable
to what to do want to connect ? to the host? to a vm?

for either of those, you need to generate a spice ticket via the api
see https://pve.proxmox.com/wiki/SPICE for details (also the part on the bottom with an example script)
ok then you have to make an api call to /nodes/<nodename>/qemu/<vmid>/spiceproxy
save the response as a file and open it with the spice client (see the script in the wiki)