Hello, I have a big problem with ProxMox. I am not able to restore my backups. I get the following error:
This error occurs on all backups I have ever made, even backups I have successfully restored several months ago. The error also only occurs with large backups, larger than 30GB from vm-disks larger than 100GB. Smaller backups are restored without any problems.
I did uncompressed backups of all VMs on LXCs today, but I already lost two VMs ... is there any way to restore the backups?
restore vma archive: zcat /mnt/nvme1n1/dump/vzdump-qemu-263-2023_05_07-03_23_23.vma.gz | vma extract -v -r /var/tmp/vzdumptmp31931.fifo - /var/tmp/vzdumptmp31931
CFG: size: 758 name: qemu-server.conf
DEV: dev_id=1 size: 540672 devname: drive-efidisk0
DEV: dev_id=2 size: 107374182400 devname: drive-sata0
DEV: dev_id=3 size: 4194304 devname: drive-tpmstate0-backup
CTIME: Sun May 7 03:23:23 2023
Formatting '/mnt/nvme0n1/images/103/vm-103-disk-0.raw', fmt=raw size=540672 preallocation=off
new volume ID is 'SSD_1:103/vm-103-disk-0.raw'
Formatting '/mnt/nvme0n1/images/103/vm-103-disk-1.raw', fmt=raw size=107374182400 preallocation=off
new volume ID is 'SSD_1:103/vm-103-disk-1.raw'
Formatting '/mnt/nvme0n1/images/103/vm-103-disk-2.raw', fmt=raw size=4194304 preallocation=off
new volume ID is 'SSD_1:103/vm-103-disk-2.raw'
map 'drive-efidisk0' to '/mnt/nvme0n1/images/103/vm-103-disk-0.raw' (write zeros = 0)
map 'drive-sata0' to '/mnt/nvme0n1/images/103/vm-103-disk-1.raw' (write zeros = 0)
map 'drive-tpmstate0-backup' to '/mnt/nvme0n1/images/103/vm-103-disk-2.raw' (write zeros = 0)
progress 1% (read 1073807360 bytes, duration 6 sec)
progress 2% (read 2147614720 bytes, duration 13 sec)
gzip: /mnt/nvme1n1/dump/vzdump-qemu-263-2023_05_07-03_23_23.vma.gz: invalid compressed data--format violated
vma: restore failed - short vma extent (299520 < 3408384)
/bin/bash: line 1: 31933 Exit 1 zcat /mnt/nvme1n1/dump/vzdump-qemu-263-2023_05_07-03_23_23.vma.gz
31934 Trace/breakpoint trap | vma extract -v -r /var/tmp/vzdumptmp31931.fifo - /var/tmp/vzdumptmp31931
temporary volume 'SSD_1:103/vm-103-disk-2.raw' sucessfuly removed
temporary volume 'SSD_1:103/vm-103-disk-1.raw' sucessfuly removed
temporary volume 'SSD_1:103/vm-103-disk-0.raw' sucessfuly removed
no lock found trying to remove 'create' lock
error before or during data restore, some or all disks were not completely restored. VM 103 state is NOT cleaned up.
TASK ERROR: command 'set -o pipefail && zcat /mnt/nvme1n1/dump/vzdump-qemu-263-2023_05_07-03_23_23.vma.gz | vma extract -v -r /var/tmp/vzdumptmp31931.fifo - /var/tmp/vzdumptmp31931' failed: exit code 133
This error occurs on all backups I have ever made, even backups I have successfully restored several months ago. The error also only occurs with large backups, larger than 30GB from vm-disks larger than 100GB. Smaller backups are restored without any problems.
I did uncompressed backups of all VMs on LXCs today, but I already lost two VMs ... is there any way to restore the backups?