RDP - Windows Desktop Remote Control (slow or black window)


Sep 4, 2020
I order a new dedicated server with Proxmox and one VM.

10Gb Ram
6 Core @ 3.50GHz (1 Socket)





When connect to RDP go right , but when try to COPY & PASTE from my computer to dedicated server start copy for few second and stop. The RDP go to black windows and I need to close RDP and reconnet.



Only work if copy file with small size.

Any suggestion ?
Somebody Know any test performance for check VM?
That doesnt surprise me then. It is a behavior i know. RDP was never meant to transfer large amount of data. Depending on the used OS it varies as well. For large amount of data just use an SMB transfer and you should be fine.
That doesnt surprise me then. It is a behavior i know. RDP was never meant to transfer large amount of data. Depending on the used OS it varies as well. For large amount of data just use an SMB transfer and you should be fine.
I know the main function is not for tranfer or upload files, but in my other server or in my computer I can tranfer files about 500Mb (iso or setup for example) without problem using RDP.

I'm concerned that if this fails, the virtual machine, web services, or anything related to the network might fail as well. I can't afford this in production.
I try some test and no work:

I disable UDP in RDP settings , but still happend same

I disable UDP in Server , but still happend same

I try connect from RDP to RDP and work ¿?¿?¿?

WTF !!!!!

I conect to RDP into a production server (VM Parallels with Win2016) inside connect to RDP to new server (VM Proxmox Win2019) and try to tranfer files and check performance and all go right.

This test means that the problem is between my computer and the new server. Now I don't know if the problem is drivers virtio , RDP, something else ¿?

I disabled all firewalls (Proxmox, VM , Windows Server inside VM and my own Bitdeffender antivirus in my computer) but still happen

Start good for a second calculating size and when begin tranfer the Kb/s go down and stop or freezes or black window.

I use Windows 10 and connect RDP to Windows 2019. Why does it fail?
I try with other Win10 computer connect to RDP to Windows 2019 an fail too. Why?

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Sometimes this is just related to something silly like optimized connections. Something runs faster, so it gets broken / overloaded on another end.
I have had this several times already. Instead of going 1% slower systems go as fast as the can and boom.
Best example was Live Migration on Hyper-v back on 2012 servers. They went so fast so they saturated the whole network, means even rdp sessions dropped and ICMP echo responses were hugely delayed...
I check all hardward and drivers without solution. I change a los of settings without happy ending.

But I found and alternative and work fine tranfer big files.

Not use MSTSC (Oficial Windows Remote Desktop RDP) and use old Microsoft software RDCMan.


Now the setup is not on microsoft website, and can find in google.

Microsoft has discontinued Remote Desktop Manager (RDCMan 2.7) in March 2020 due to a security vulnerability, but work better tan RDP.

I think the new Window RDP version is unestable with Proxmox
As said. Imho this has nothing to do with proxmox.
You are using an older protocol version now which has less capabilities and therefore works in a different way, simply not provoking the error.
Imho its as easy as this.
If I where you I would try to find another solution if this tool has a known security flaw.
Btw the current setup also will negate your fear of instability of other services ;)
As said. Imho this has nothing to do with proxmox.
You are using an older protocol version now which has less capabilities and therefore works in a different way, simply not provoking the error.
Imho its as easy as this.
If I where you I would try to find another solution if this tool has a known security flaw.
Btw the current setup also will negate your fear of instability of other services ;)


The security vulnerability is not the protocol, then RDCMan save all settings in xml file and this a security risk if any get the files (user, password of VM). The users who continue using the app should be aware not to open any RDCMan connection configuration (RDG) files they receive unsolicited or from unknown sources.

I dont know what happend in Official RDP software, but not work well in proxmox or with virtio drivers. I check with other RDP software into Mac, Linux, Android or Windows Store App ... and work, but not Windows Desktop Remote Control.

>>>>> Video : https://streamable.com/hdt4xe
Windows Desktop Remote Control allows users to access and control a Windows PC from a remote location. When experiencing issues like a slow connection or a black window, it typically indicates network latency, insufficient bandwidth, or configuration problems. Troubleshooting these issues involves checking the network connection, ensuring both the host and client devices have sufficient resources, and optimizing remote desktop settings for performance. Application monitoring software can also be used to diagnose and monitor these issues, providing insights into network performance, resource usage, and potential bottlenecks to improve the remote desktop experience.
Have you ever tried to lower MTU on the Windows desktop which you're connecting from?

Commands to enter as admin:
netsh interface ipv4 show subinterfaces
netsh interface ipv4 set subinterface "Network Connection Name from first command" mtu=XXXX store=persistent
where xxxx is the new MTU value.