Question about vlan documentation


Jun 4, 2020
In the page, under "VLAN on the Host" section, "Example: Use VLAN 5 for the Proxmox VE management IP with VLAN aware Linux bridge" shows the configuration for a single NIC and it's easy to understand. However the following snippet, starting with the sentence "The next example is the same setup but a bond is used to make this network fail-safe."

But this is NOT the same setup?? There are two NICs in this bond config, namely "eno1" and "eno2". It's not doable with a single NIC.
I don't know if a bond is possible with a single NIC, probably NOT. I'm not a expert on Linux networking... That example should clarify that, otherwise it sounds like it implies you can do it with a Single NIC like the snippet above.
Do you agree with the ambiguity in the documentation - as explained in this ticket?
Not really - I do get that the wording with " is the same setup but a bond is used to make this network fail-safe." might be confusing, since it is not exactly the same, but equivalent - however when reading through the complete section, which explains bridges, followed by bonds, followed by VLANs I always got the idea.
And writing 'equivalent setup' would probably make people think that there is more things changing than the underlying bridge-port becoming a bond...