pve crashed after "VM migration with success message"


Jul 31, 2022

I'm migrating some VMs via "qm remote-migrate" from one pve to another.

I shut down the VM and did the migration without the --online option. Everything went well according to the messages, but when I started the vm on the other pve, everything crashed. I can access the console directly on the server. I've restarted all the services and no webgui or ssh access.
Only restarting the server (poweredge R720) solves the problem. But that's not the right thing to do.

Both servers are on version 8.1.3.

Our pve are in a separate vlan (25), as follows:

Captura de tela de 2024-04-02 14-31-24.png

And the VM that crashed the server after I started it is also in vlan 25.

It seems to me that this is causing the problem. What would be the best way to configure access to the webgui?
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I reconfigured the webgui access IP for bond0, ran the "ifreload -a" command and at first it worked. I just didn't restart the server, because the other time I did it, it didn't work on bond0.

Captura de tela de 2024-04-03 09-42-01.png

The bond0 IP is in vlan 25. We have 3 VMs that are in vlan 25 that previously crashed the server. Now they don't crash, but they don't get IPs either. I switched to another vlan and it picked up the IP. What a mess... kkkk

The switch where the server is connected is configured as a trunk to pass all the vlans.

Any ideas on how to debug this?
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