Proxmox VE 3.1 released!

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Then some of us must be illiterate
According to

"The pve-no-subscription repo can be used for testing and non-production use.

Its not recommended to run on production servers as these packages are not always heavily tested and validated.

As the name suggests, there is no Proxmox VE Subscription Key needed to access this repository."

Look, I believe that most of the community is supportive of your development efforts, and we understand that providing the download bandwidth and support requires financial resources.
But I don't believe that attempting to monetize updates is the way to go. Perhaps non-subscribers would prefer limited access to the forums and less support. I don't believe in crippleware either.
I would prefer to pay a fixed yearly fee that gives me full access to the forums, unlimited license, better documentation, video tutorials, and some handholding.
I'm totally agree to pay for support, access to docs, tutorials, but not for updates. I'm dissapointed in the way that support team handeled the situation. First update then clarifications. You have a great product and we are using it since ver. 1.9. We have a cluster of 3 nodes and "slept" very well knowing the updates are stable. Sure, the subscription is not much and probablly we will pay for a while, but for sure will start to see other alternatives too. I guess the words of my boss when I will tell him the news: " Did you knew about this? What surprises to expect next?" Also I saw the atitude of staff members in other posts against the people who wrote against the last update, also this is not good for the project and cncerns me a little, too.
I'm also very disappointed of this step of Proxmox. I'm just using Proxmox for personal use and don't have the money left to buy a subscription to get a stable environment. The message that no subscription is found is also annoying on every refresh of updates in the webinterface.

What's about a idea to provide a lower price for students?
Since the product is open source I guess other fully legal custom rebuilt from sources repos/distros/binaries will appear like Centos for RedHat later, may be DeMo(ni)x? :-) Btw, I would be glad to purchase the subscription only for a single year for my home server where I still use a free VirtualBox provided the software will continue to work without further updates at least during Wheezy life cycle after Proxmox subscription already expired, and may be later upgrade again when Debian 8 release comes. Also someone can look to fully free of charge virsh/virt-manager/virt-install
I have to agree with the previous point.
Proxmox Team shouldn't have to indulge in defending it's model to "nononon" type of people. As long as its free, people will bash. They do it all day on Spiceworks forums. But I think you have a great product, which I believe I am truly devoted too. I hate to see the Team get emotionally distraught by these type of people that are ready to jump ship because of a screen that says "We don't work for free". But everyone will watch a TV with commercials, install Anti-virus with crazy browser installs for popups, and install all types of opensource with bloatware installed unless you click customize and uncheck everything.
I appreciate the clarifications, but beyond that, I don't think you owe these people anything more. Keep it about the program and development, changing their minds probably won't happen. Moochers know how to mooch, or else we would call them something else.


Proxmox has moved to a new repository model. There will be 3 repositories instead of the original 2.
Repository 1 is for our paying customers, which will be called Enterprise Repository from here on out. This repository is setup to release the most stable version of Proxmox that has been tested to a certain limit to maintain stability. Although it may not be as dynamic and robust as the other repositories, it will receive the greatest amount of attention in stability and usefullness.
Repository 2 is for our stable community, which will be called Community Repository from here on out. This repository is setup to release the most advanced update to the Proxmox software that has been tested on some development hardware within the Proxmox R&D Team, and is continuing to be tested by other community members. This repository is receiving constant updates to improve stability, and does not gaurantee uptime upon installation.
Repository 3 is for our devolopment community, which will be called Test Repository from here on out. This repository is setup to release the most cutting edge technology available to the Proxmox software. This is a test repository and should not be used in any production environment. There are no gaurantees against this repository, and installations can render your system unusable.
All systems are available to support subscriptions, which are not required to run Proxmox, but adviseable for a stable production environment. Subscription details can be obtained from our website, or by following the directions presented upon logging in to your Proxmox Virtual Environment.
Enjoy the software, and happy VM.

BOOM. From that point on, I would close a lot of the threads that have grown out of proportion in relation to this topic, and new threads that start will fizzle out because they won't receive any attention. Everything will be addressed by the clarification. Point, and Done!

Also, and I'm not a paying customer yet, I think there should be a locked forum for your paying customers. Of course, attention to the forum will still be as important, but attention to the Enterprise forum will have some type of precedence (at least in theory). The idea is similar to my Landry's Membership card, I paid $25.00 for. The only reason I bought it was because I get priority seating when I visit a Landy's restaurant. In reality, there really isn't a wait anyway at Landry's. And I have five kids, so priority or not, if they don't have a table ready I don't eat. But being apart of something exclusive, makes it that much more valuable. The forums would still receive the same amount of attention, but just to think that I could post in the Enterprise and maybe get a faster answer.... that puts a greater value on the cost. Whether it's true or not. Whether it matters or not. It's still a forum. People answer when they want.
Just something to think about for your community subscription. Seems a little valueless since I already have everything the Community Subscription offers.
BOOM. From that point on, I would close a lot of the threads that have grown out of proportion in relation to this topic, and new threads that start will fizzle out because they won't receive any attention. Everything will be addressed by the clarification. Point, and Done!

We already explained that at:

Also, and I'm not a paying customer yet, I think there should be a locked forum for your paying customers.

There is an extra support portal for customers.
Then let's close all these long threads about "nag screen" so we can get back to production. I like Proxmox, and I like the community support. If they are going to leave because of a "nag screen", it's time to cut losses. Not sure what you lose, but you can't please everyone, and, trust me, no one is really thinking about how to please Proxmox. You guys are great at what you are doing, so let's just do that. The back and forth is taxing me because other people bring up these conversations on other forums, and they take it out of context against Proxmox.
There is an extra support portal for customers.
I do believe there should be better explanation of some things, like an extra portal, or the whole issue with the repositories. But that comes over time and experience. I feel you guys are honest to the best of your ability, and if you mess up an explanation, or not clear enough, you usually back it up with more clarity and explanation. Eventually, no extra clarity will be needed, until then, there's the forum for those types of questions. But trying to defend yourself is not reflecting well as it should, so let's just move away from it, and get back to what was being done before: effectiveness. Of course, you will have your "junior" members come in starting threads like Xen Opensource vs. Proxmox which is better. Of which, facts can be stated. But the restatements are where it gets out of whack.
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