Proxmox pveproxy configuration


New Member
Nov 10, 2018
Now that Proxmox appears to be pretty grown-up, what is the state of configuration for the web front end?

1. How would we add or change the URI prefix for the web page? (For example, instead of < https://myproxy.mydomain.tld:8006/ >, we'd have < https://myproxy.mydomain.tld:8006/URI/ > before each functional URI.

2. How would we change the port number for the pveproxy? Someone asked this earlier [1], but the thread died. (For example, instead of < https://myproxy.mydomain.tld:8006/ >, we'd have < httpd://myproxy.mydomain.tld:8443/ >?

I have evil dreams of putting Proxmox in an enterprise environment. I think it suits our organization's needs better than the hypervizors we use now, but we need to configure it to match our existing PPSM. Filing a new one is seriously painful.

[1] Port number question: < >.
there are plenty of threads on this very forum about putting nginx or another webserver/reverse-proxy in front of your actual PVE node(s) though - maybe this suits your needs?