I have got 2 IP's from my colocation service provider: 39.xxx.xxx.210/32 and 39.xxx.xxx.211/32. NOTE: the gateway for both IP's are: 39.xxx.xxx.1.
I can access proxmox fine with the .210 IP, but the .211 IP configured in pfsense does not work.
I tested this at home with a network, and pfSense got an IP. And yes I know it is a different network, but I just want to use both IP's
This is my interface config:
When I try to ping to any ip such as, I get 100% packet loss, but no message of unreachable host.
But pinging to 39.xxx.xxx.210 from pfSense gets: no route to host.
How can I get the second /32 ip to work correctly? Do I need to configure something else in Proxmox or is pfSense at fault?
I have got 2 IP's from my colocation service provider: 39.xxx.xxx.210/32 and 39.xxx.xxx.211/32. NOTE: the gateway for both IP's are: 39.xxx.xxx.1.
I can access proxmox fine with the .210 IP, but the .211 IP configured in pfsense does not work.
I tested this at home with a network, and pfSense got an IP. And yes I know it is a different network, but I just want to use both IP's
This is my interface config:
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
iface eno1 inet manual
iface eno2 inet manual
auto vmbr0
iface vmbr0 inet static
address 39.xxx.xxx.210/32
netmask 32
gateway 39.xxx.xxx.1
bridge-ports eno1
bridge-stp off
bridge-fd 0
auto vmbr1
iface vmbr2 inet manual
bridge-ports none
bridge-stp off
bridge-fd 0
#pfSense LAN
When I try to ping to any ip such as, I get 100% packet loss, but no message of unreachable host.
But pinging to 39.xxx.xxx.210 from pfSense gets: no route to host.
How can I get the second /32 ip to work correctly? Do I need to configure something else in Proxmox or is pfSense at fault?