There's a x11
section, which e.g., the x11-apps package is listed as (check apt show x11-apps).
Or got a few examples for what packages you actually mean?
I have not found a distinct division like you say there is.
Unfortunately I can not check anything right now, but as far as the documentation that is provided it does not work like that.
FYI There's a
Debian LTS project provides 5 years of support, and the
Extended LTS project can extend it to up to 10 years, and that Debian provides seamless upgrades between major releases, making such LTS releases somewhat obsolete anyway.
Debian may have the LTS version now, but it didn't when it mattered, and now the way things are setup by default is outdated.
As best practice, it is best to reevaluate a system's install (at least) every five years anyway, but the standard lifetime back then was not enough to be economically and maintenance-wise feasible.
The times have changed, and in all that time, I have seen Debian change the wrong way around and missing all the points that matter to me.
The package manager has not really any say it what software runs and what not, it's just there for dependency resolution and metadata, it cannot magically create binary compatibility between different distros, or even releases from the same distro.
Each distro release, be it from Debian or from Ubuntu is only guaranteed to be compatible with software that targets it, ideally build for exactly that release, with the libc version being the major factor most of the time.
I.e., you won't be able to use most .deb packages files from a modern Ubuntu 23.10 directly on a say, Ubuntu 22.04, even if they both use the same package manager.
I am not talking about different versions of the same distro, I am talking about different flavours of the same version.
It might be that what's necessary for Proxmox has a different version id between Debian and Ubuntu, but that should not be a problem itself (if it is, someone is not doing the job they have taken on).
Why should a non-existing explanation or statement imply compatibility? By that POM would be also compatible with macOS and Windows DOS, we never state the contrary after all?
The implication is not even subtle: it is stated literally in that it should work in Ubuntu.
I see no mention of macOS or Windows/DOS in the same context.
Our official builds target Debian, with the newest series targetting Debian Bookworm. If you got an Ubuntu that has the same libraries in compatible SO versions available it will run, just like it would on Fedora or ArchLinux in such a case if libraries are installed and compatible – sure the latter two might need manually extracting the .deb file as yes, their native package manager uses a different format, but that's about it.
As far as I have seen, Bookworm is not supported yet with POM, but it might have been changed in the last week or so.
I have not checked every single library, but as far as I could determine, it should have worked, but it didn't.
It seems you are missing most of my points about it, and interpret my objections exactly the wrong way.
For me this matter is closed, because there is no solution besides the Debian VM I have already setup and used.