Proxmox and pfsense

Filipe Barreto

Active Member
Jul 26, 2019
Internet <---> host eno0 <---> vmbr0 <---> pfSense VM <---> vmbr1 <---> VM-A, B, C, ...

Hello I am new to proxmox because I always worked with hyper-v but due to several differentials that I saw in proxmox I would like to adopt it. However due to a huge difficulty that I am encountering I would like your help my scenario is:

I bought a dedicated server on TURNEKEY where i have

Primary IP
Assigned IPs = Network = Gateway = Usable = Broadcast

I need to put a firewall in the middle that is PFSENSE and right behind it my VMS.

However I do not know how to perform this configuration when I install PFsense my vmbr0 does not go out to the internet.

help me :D
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Can you give a bit more details on what you are trying to accomplish and you setup?

As well as what exactly is the problem?

Here is why,
I run pfsense as my router and firewall replacement for my home now.
My setup is local as in I run a small Lenovo desktop as proxmox server with a single vm running pfsence.

Pc has 3 mix ports
1- management from vmbr0 to switch
1- wan - connect from wall(ISP) to vmbr1
1- lan - from vmbr0 to switch.

Pfsence vm has 2 nic.
Wan attached to vmbr1
Lan to vmbr0

All other hardware real or virtual are on lan and using pfsence as dhcp and gateway.