Hello, we are using proxmox 6. We using ZFS Over ISCSI with istgt provider and really hard to find the manual configuration.
We set up a Linux Debian host with istgt installed. Here's the config for istgt:
Comment "Global section"
NodeBase "iqn.2019-08.bpm.lanit"
PidFile /var/run/istgt.pid
AuthFile /etc/istgt/auth.conf
MediaDirectory /var/istgt
LogFacility "local7"
Timeout 30
NopInInterval 20
DiscoveryAuthMethod Auto
MaxSessions 16
MaxConnections 4
MaxR2T 32
MaxOutstandingR2T 16
DefaultTime2Wait 2
DefaultTime2Retain 60
FirstBurstLength 262144
MaxBurstLength 1048576
MaxRecvDataSegmentLength 262144
Comment "Internal Logical Unit Controller"
AuthMethod CHAP Mutual
AuthGroup AuthGroup10000
Portal UC1
Portal DA1
Comment "Initiator Group1"
InitiatorName "ALL"
Comment "Hard Disk Sample"
TargetName disk1
TargetAlias "Data Disk1"
Mapping PortalGroup1 InitiatorGroup1
AuthMethod Auto
AuthGroup AuthGroup1
UseDigest Auto
UnitType Disk
LUN0 Storage /data/vms
I have set up the ssh key and I can log in using that key. But when I'm finishing added virtual machine I got error:
No configuration found. Install istgt on "host" usr/share/perl5/PVE/Storage/LunCmd/Istgt.pm line 99. (500). but that istgt successful running
what's wrong? any help please
We set up a Linux Debian host with istgt installed. Here's the config for istgt:
Comment "Global section"
NodeBase "iqn.2019-08.bpm.lanit"
PidFile /var/run/istgt.pid
AuthFile /etc/istgt/auth.conf
MediaDirectory /var/istgt
LogFacility "local7"
Timeout 30
NopInInterval 20
DiscoveryAuthMethod Auto
MaxSessions 16
MaxConnections 4
MaxR2T 32
MaxOutstandingR2T 16
DefaultTime2Wait 2
DefaultTime2Retain 60
FirstBurstLength 262144
MaxBurstLength 1048576
MaxRecvDataSegmentLength 262144
Comment "Internal Logical Unit Controller"
AuthMethod CHAP Mutual
AuthGroup AuthGroup10000
Portal UC1
Portal DA1
Comment "Initiator Group1"
InitiatorName "ALL"
Comment "Hard Disk Sample"
TargetName disk1
TargetAlias "Data Disk1"
Mapping PortalGroup1 InitiatorGroup1
AuthMethod Auto
AuthGroup AuthGroup1
UseDigest Auto
UnitType Disk
LUN0 Storage /data/vms
I have set up the ssh key and I can log in using that key. But when I'm finishing added virtual machine I got error:
No configuration found. Install istgt on "host" usr/share/perl5/PVE/Storage/LunCmd/Istgt.pm line 99. (500). but that istgt successful running
what's wrong? any help please