To answer that question you need to understand what your services are doing.
I try to do a simple overview:
Monitors have 2 tasks:
1) vote on the condition of the cluster. Is the osd in/out and up/down . Do we have the quorum to decide that.
2) Tell clients what the crush map looks like.
So you need 3 or 5 monitors for that task. More are only increasing the overhead with no gain. (I would say 5 is already a multi room setup)
You need to have a odd number of monitors.
Manager: They provide the dashboard, collect and distribute statistic data, doing rebalancing stuff etc.
They are needed for a good running ceph system, but they are not essential. So if all your managers would go down. Then there would be no immediate problem. You just start another manager on a node that is still up.
MDS: metadata server are absolutly depended on your data and your worklaod. For the start, you need 1 active and 1 standby as backup.
Aftre that it is absolutly depended on your data. If you have only very few files in your cephfs, but all the files a very very big. then you will not need another MDS for a long time.
So that's more a performance question:
- How many files do you have,
- How many clients do you have.
- What workload do you have.
I mean how many of the 5 MDS have you active in your configuratoin? The default value would be only one active mds and the others would be standby.