Merge Proxmox 4.4 to 5.1

Volker Lieder

Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2017

we have a running setup with:
4 Server Debian 8.x with Proxmox 4.4, CEPH "hammer" with 30 osds

Last weekend and for further growing, we installed 4 server with debian stretch and proxmox 5.1.

If we login to the proxmox panel the new servers are marked as "offline". I didnt see any hints in the logfiles, why this happen. If we reboot one of the new server, its marked for 2-3 minutes as online.

I read in the forum that 5.1 in 4.4 cluster is possible for migration but should not be a permanent solution.

Do you have any hints what we can check to get the 4 servers online? For migration and upgrade the 4.4 nodes we want first to migrate all vms to 5.1 servers and upgrade ceph, proxmox and debian on 4 old notes after this. Is this possible or do we have to upgrade ceph from hammer to jewel first?

Volker Lieder
Thank you, Tom. Do we have to stop VMs on node we want to upgrade or can they run while we upgrade ceph from hammer to jewel?
Later for reboots while mirgate to luminous we will migrate them to other nodes, of course :-)
Thank you, Tom. Do we have to stop VMs on node we want to upgrade or can they run while we upgrade ceph from hammer to jewel?
Migrate your VMs to other node before you start the upgrade. It will still run as hammer until you comfortable to next steps.
Follow the steps in wiki closely, I managed to upgrade all nodes without issue.