I have 2 LAGG bonded networks. They're both supposed to be 2 Gb, but only one is per dmesg | grep -i duplex. Please Help.

Jan 11, 2019
Both networks are working.
However, Bond0 has one interface that's running at 10 Mbps Full Duplex and the other at 1 Gb.
Bond1 is running at 2 Gb full Duplex.
All 4x interfaces are on the same card.
Bond0 is assigned to vmbr0 and is my WAN
Bond1 is assigned to vmbr1 and is my LAN

vmbr0 and vmbr1 are both connected to pfSense VM
the WAN is directly from my modem (MB8600) configured as LAGG there too
the LAN goes through my switch and is also configured as LAGG.
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I hadn't thought about that
However, with the following command, I was able to change the way the hardware is behaving (both lights on my NIC are green and blinking whereas they were not before):
ethtool -s enp1s0f1 speed 1000 duplex full autoneg on

Hard for me to test if it is actually working, though. I don't have 2gb on my PC. I was trying to take advantage of having access up to 1200mbps on my WAN. Ideas?
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