[TUTORIAL] How to join a Proxmox cluster to an Active Directory Domain

Hello and sorry for bringing this old post up.
I have an issue when I'm trying to test the connectivity or join the domain:


root@hlpve01:~# realm -v discover domain-name.com
* Resolving: _ldap._tcp.domain-name.com
* Performing LDAP DSE lookup on:
* Performing LDAP DSE lookup on:
! Can't contact LDAP server
! Can't contact LDAP server
type: kerberos
realm-name: DOMAIN-NAME.COM
domain-name: domain-name.com
configured: no


It seems that the cluster node/s could not contact the DC's/DNS servers via LDAP, even though I can ping both of my DC's/DNS servers from both of my cluster nodes and I have a rule defined via port forward for my cluster nodes to access the DC's from my LAN subnet towards network where my DC's are located on all protocols. There's a Firewall in between but that should not be the problem as I've mentioned that both cluster nodes have the rules defined to access both DC's on all protocols.
Do I need to configure/install something on the DC's ? like LDAP server roles ?

Does anybody have an idea what the issue could be ?
I would appreciate your help !

Kind regards.
Found myself the solution and I'll share it here just in case:

I had to make another DNS registrations for my DC's/DNS servers using the NAT virtual IP adress configured in my firewall and used by subnet where my proxmox nodes are hosted.
For the Part
I found the simple Command
get-aduser username
This spits out the Distinguished Name among other things which is needed here, for anyone having a different setup.
What is the purpose of installing and configuring adcli? Is this just so that AD users can also sign into Debian?
This tutorial will walk through the steps necessary to join your Proxmox server to Microsoft Active Directory on a Windows 2019 Server.
You will be able to sync your users and groups into the Proxmox Permissions Panel in the GUI, and log into the web console with active directory credentials.

Here are the general steps:
  1. Set basic settings
  2. Add Active Directory Realm & Sync Users
  3. Configure Permissions
  4. Install packages from the repository
  5. Join the Active Directory domain
  6. Test your config

In this tutorial, our realm/domain will be infraredhat.com
Two domain controllers have been configured, and are acting as DNS servers.
Our subnet is

The Proxmox node a single network interface with a static IP of
The Domain Controllers (and DNS servers) have IP's of and

Set the search domain to infraredhat.com, and set the DNS servers to the IP addresses of the Domain Controllers, and

View attachment 31767

Configure hosts file with your Proxmox server's FQDN (and hostname) following the example below.

View attachment 31768

Navigate to the "Time" panel below "Hosts" currently selected in the menu and verify the correct time and Time Zone.

Add Active Directory Server

Next, Select "Datacenter" or the name of your cluster, and Navigate to Permissions > Realms > Add Realm > Active Directory Server.
Populate your domain and domain controller IP's like the example below.

View attachment 31770

Click on the "Sync Options" Tab.
You'll need Active Directory credentials to access domain controller users and groups. You can simply use the Administrator Account, but for more security, you can create a user account with read-only access to the domains objects instead. For demonstration, let's use the built in "Administrator".

For the "Bind User", you'll need to enter it a very specific way.
Navigate to your domain controller and open a powershell window as admin.


For the correct string to enter for the Adminstrator in the infraredhat.com domain, you would enter the following command:
dsquery user dc=infraredhat,dc=com -name Administrator

This is the output, and you can copy and paste it directly into the field, "Bind User"

Enter the password for this user. For now you can ignore the remainder of the fields. I've set my default sync preferences in the screenshot.

View attachment 31771

Click OK to close and save.
You can now select your Active Directly Realm from the list (listed alongside PAM and PVE). Click SYNC from the menu and you should see your AD Users and Groups populate.

Configure permissions to tell Proxmox what access to give each user/group

Next, Navigate to the "Permissions" Menu > Add > Group Permission
I've selected the Administrators Group from Active directory, and assigned the PVE Administrator Role to this Group.
This way, any user in the AD Administrator group will also be a PVE Administrator.
Select '/' to give full access as well.
Click OK.

View attachment 31772

Install additional packages needed for system security

Next, Navigate to a shell window on your PVE Node. There are a few packages to install and configure.
Update your packages, and install adcli, packagekit, samba-common-bin realmd
The remainder of the required packages will be auto-installed and configured.

apt update
apt dist-upgrade

# install the following packages (use apt list to see if they are needed)
apt install adcli packagekit samba-common-bin

# install realmd
apt install realmd

Join the node to the domain

Next, test connection with the domain controller, and then join the domain. For additional options, see the man pages by running the command man realm. Since we're doing a high level walkthrough, I'm keeping it simple. Because no user is specified in the join command, realmd defaults to "Administrator" for this action.

# test realmd
realm -v discover infraredhat.com

You'll see an output with information about your DC and domain, along with additional required packages. Installing these in advance will cause the configurations to fail. Simply enter this command, substituting your own domain.

#join the domain
realm -v join infraredhat.com

Follow the prompts, enter the Active Directory Admin password when prompted and allow the sssd and additional packages install.
You are now joined to the domain and you should see your Proxmox node appear as a computer in Active Directory Users and Computers. Congrats!

Configure additional settings and test your config

You can edit the config in /etc/sssd/sssd.conf. Run
and select the appropriate option if you would like home directories created for AD users. There is more information available on the internet about sssd.conf. Test your configuration with the command
id administrator@infraredhat.com
- you should see UID and GID from your domain controller.

Finally, log out of Proxmox in the menu in the upper right hand corner, and test by logging in as Administrator@infraredhat.com in the login menu by selecting the Active Directory domain from the login drop-down instead of PAM. You should successfully authenticate and log in. Beware, you will not have shell access to Proxmox in the console... that's only available to root, logged in under local PAM. For shell access, you'll need to configure ssh separately.

Thank you!

Remember to add permissions to users and groups who need access in the PVE menu.
Repeat the package-install and domain-join process for each additional node that exists in a cluster. User and group sync and permissions are managed cluster-wide and only has to be configured once.

Please post your comments below!
Fantastic guide mate, much appreciated! I've wanted for while to integrate my nodes with my domain.
Follow up question: would it work to have samba ad servers as vm members, I. E. running the domain inside the proxmox environment and still use these for Ad authentication?
Besides possibly having shell access to the server for a domain user, what is the benefit in joining these servers to a domain over simply using LDAP to auto populate users and groups?