@proxmox Dev,
First and foremost to every contributor - Thank You!
I genuinely believe proxmox has so much potential to evolve into the AWS-of-tomorrow, that I'm sticking with it for all my projects, I digress.
To the point. I have a relatively simple Feature Request which would allow the user to enter a URL in the Create VM dialog box shown below.
It would basically simply parse the input for URLs and download it in to the proper folder if it's an ISO or any other acceptable file type.
The current "ISO image" field name may be renamed to reflect the change "ISO image/url" possibly.
BASH Script:
Below you'll find a really simple script I wrote to basically do this from the CLI.
I have this function running in my .zshrc file so I may call it as needed.
The script tests for if the URL provided is accessible and an .iso file. If so, the file will be downloaded in to the templates iso folder. You can check your local storage and it should show up there.
Example: Calling the function from the CLI to download bionic server
First and foremost to every contributor - Thank You!
I genuinely believe proxmox has so much potential to evolve into the AWS-of-tomorrow, that I'm sticking with it for all my projects, I digress.
To the point. I have a relatively simple Feature Request which would allow the user to enter a URL in the Create VM dialog box shown below.
It would basically simply parse the input for URLs and download it in to the proper folder if it's an ISO or any other acceptable file type.
The current "ISO image" field name may be renamed to reflect the change "ISO image/url" possibly.
BASH Script:
Below you'll find a really simple script I wrote to basically do this from the CLI.
I have this function running in my .zshrc file so I may call it as needed.
The script tests for if the URL provided is accessible and an .iso file. If so, the file will be downloaded in to the templates iso folder. You can check your local storage and it should show up there.
# Function to fetch an ISO from URL
function get-iso () {
if wget --spider -A .iso ${1}; then
wget -A .iso ${1} -P /var/lib/vz/template/iso/;
echo "File does not exist";
# Un-comment the line below if using it as a script file.
#get-iso "$1";
Example: Calling the function from the CLI to download bionic server
$ get-iso http://releases.ubuntu.com/18.04.2/ubuntu-18.04.2-live-server-amd64.iso
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