Managing a Proxmox cluster in the datacenter with multiple nodes and multiple drives (Ceph OSD and ZFS pools) per node, I am missing an easy way to locate the drive in the enclosure. Smart data or Ceph OSD status visualized in a simple row/column fashion.
Is is possible to add a simple visualization, where per drive we can specify the row and column of it's location, so it can show up as a simple table/matrix where the colors/names/status can be easily shown. Examples can be found in QuantaStor and Truenas:
Quantastore example
Truenas example
Is is possible to add a simple visualization, where per drive we can specify the row and column of it's location, so it can show up as a simple table/matrix where the colors/names/status can be easily shown. Examples can be found in QuantaStor and Truenas:
Quantastore example
Truenas example