Directory in PBS for SAMBA and Rsync


May 15, 2022

I was doing a NAS box and I am tempted to make it a PBS for fun and learning. This is at home and I do not have intense backup needs but my linux laptop could get backed up. It has 10TB of Raidz1 store and that is where I will target the backup to be stored (say /my10tb-store). I wanted to create a directory (say /my10tb-store/share_mode777_files) which will have some this and that files stored using rsync and wish to expose that using samba so that we do not have to get another machine for common share. I could use either virtualmin or cockpit or even CLI.

Is that likely to create any conflict with PBS and cause headaches down the line.

Much appreciate and please be gentle (I am not a linux practitioner!).

Thank you.
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you can definitely run a samba server on the same bare metal machine as PBS - just keep the directories/datasets/.. separate between the two usages.
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you can definitely run a samba server on the same bare metal machine as PBS - just keep the directories/datasets/.. separate between the two usages.
Thank you so much. I can create a pool in the main zfs .. say tank/myshare and then not specify that directory in the pbs to use for backup. Is that what you mean? Many thanks again.
I can create a pool in the main zfs .. say tank/myshare and then not specify that directory in the pbs to use for backup.

More likely the other way around. You don't exclude a directory, but set a specific directory to use for your datastore.

You create a dataset (e.g.: tank/datastore) for only your PBS-datastore. No sub-datasets, no sub-folders, no files in it other than the PBS-datastore ones.
Outside of this dataset you can do what you want. For example creating a dataset (e.g.: tank/share) for your samba share and so on.
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