First of all I would like to thank you for your enormous efforts to create PBS. Btw, I'm not sure if you anticipated Rust maybe getting integrated into the Linux kernel 
I'm having problems with backing up to a Datastore residing on a NFS share. Beta2 installed from .iso on a VM (not a PVE host). My network is quite slow, but the problematic NFS share is on the virtualization host where the PBS VM resides (a separate Univention UCS physical machine).
- While creating a new datastore on an mounted NFS share in the PBS WebUI, after 30 secs (every time, seems like a fixed configured 30sec timeout) I get "Connection error - Timeout." After confirming the error the UI drops back to the datastore creation mask with the fields still filled with the values just entered. But in the background, all the .chunk files are getting created, and about 2 mins after the error popped up, creation of the .chunk files is successful and the datastore appears in the PBS UI. All this happens in the background, while the datastore creation mask is still active in the PBS UI.
- In PVE activating that created PBS storage works without problems, but backing an LXC up ends with this error on PBS side (on PVE side the same error more or less):
By the way, when deleting that NFS datastore on the PBS side, the folder with all files and folders remain (.chunks/*, ct/*, .lock) and surely when next trying to create a datastore with that same name, I get "unable to create chunk store 'Datastore03_UCSHOST-01' subdir "/mnt/nfs/pbs_datastores/datastore03_ucshost-01/.chunks" - EEXIST: File exists".
After removing the entire folder (directly on the NFS sharing host, otherways it takes too long), recreation of the datastore then works.
On the NFS host, the share is given "backup:root" rights.
May it be possible, that some finalizing tasks do not get finished because of the error, eventhough the process of chunks and the datastore being created continues? And where should I crank up that 30 secs timout? Is it PBS internal, or could it be the local NFS client config?
Thank you again for your great work.

I'm having problems with backing up to a Datastore residing on a NFS share. Beta2 installed from .iso on a VM (not a PVE host). My network is quite slow, but the problematic NFS share is on the virtualization host where the PBS VM resides (a separate Univention UCS physical machine).
- While creating a new datastore on an mounted NFS share in the PBS WebUI, after 30 secs (every time, seems like a fixed configured 30sec timeout) I get "Connection error - Timeout." After confirming the error the UI drops back to the datastore creation mask with the fields still filled with the values just entered. But in the background, all the .chunk files are getting created, and about 2 mins after the error popped up, creation of the .chunk files is successful and the datastore appears in the PBS UI. All this happens in the background, while the datastore creation mask is still active in the PBS UI.
- In PVE activating that created PBS storage works without problems, but backing an LXC up ends with this error on PBS side (on PVE side the same error more or less):
2020-07-21T09:59:18+02:00: starting new backup on datastore 'Datastore03_UCSHOST-01': "ct/602/2020-07-21T07:59:10Z"
2020-07-21T09:59:18+02:00: GET /previous: 400 Bad Request: no previous backup
2020-07-21T09:59:18+02:00: add blob "/mnt/nfs/pbs_datastores/datastore03_ucshost-01/ct/602/2020-07-21T07:59:10Z/pct.conf.blob" (188 bytes, comp: 188)
2020-07-21T09:59:24+02:00: POST /dynamic_index: 400 Bad Request: unable to get shared lock - ENOLCK: No record locks available
2020-07-21T09:59:24+02:00: backup ended and finish failed: backup ended but finished flag is not set.
2020-07-21T09:59:24+02:00: removing unfinished backup
2020-07-21T09:59:24+02:00: TASK ERROR: backup ended but finished flag is not set.
2020-07-21T09:59:30+02:00: POST /dynamic_index: 400 Bad Request: unable to get shared lock - ENOLCK: No record locks available
By the way, when deleting that NFS datastore on the PBS side, the folder with all files and folders remain (.chunks/*, ct/*, .lock) and surely when next trying to create a datastore with that same name, I get "unable to create chunk store 'Datastore03_UCSHOST-01' subdir "/mnt/nfs/pbs_datastores/datastore03_ucshost-01/.chunks" - EEXIST: File exists".
After removing the entire folder (directly on the NFS sharing host, otherways it takes too long), recreation of the datastore then works.
On the NFS host, the share is given "backup:root" rights.
May it be possible, that some finalizing tasks do not get finished because of the error, eventhough the process of chunks and the datastore being created continues? And where should I crank up that 30 secs timout? Is it PBS internal, or could it be the local NFS client config?
Thank you again for your great work.