datacenter level command line tools (like list all CTs)


Renowned Member
Dec 8, 2008
Is there a way to do datacenter (multinode) level tasks, apart from HA tools, from the command line?
  • list all the containers on all nodes
  • migrate one vm from a node to another
  • ..etc?
short answer: not really

long answer: pvecm and pvesm sometimes operate on the whole cluster or rather files in /etc/pve which are used by the whole cluster, depending on the actual command. pct and qm are always related to the current node, but some commands have a target node parameter as well.

most of the information is in /etc/pve, so for read-only access you can just read and parse what is in there. if you want to change stuff, you should use the appropriate tool/API path, because then you need to take care of locking and concurrency.