Create a ProxMox VM as an everyday personal computer?

Joe Sudhoff

Jan 6, 2019
New to this forum and to ProxMox VE and starting to like it must better that ESXi.

So is there a way to use one of the VM's as your everyday personal computer? I have 2 Dell Poweredge R710's, 1 Dell 690 and 1 Dell 670 and would like to utilize them all as Proxmox servers and not a desktop. I have looked thru Google and YouTube to find what I need but also afraid I am not asking the question the right way because what comes up is people putting GPU's in their servers.

After looking on Google and Youtube I came across people putting GPU's in the R710 and they explained it's use as more processing power and also passed it to a VM for remote video (not sure what that does) but what if you installed a video card and passed it to the Proxmox VM and also passed a couple USB ports to it for the keyboard and mouse? Audio I was not worried about because HDMI has audio.

Would this be possible or am I trying to do an impossible configuration?


Read up on PCI passthrough to a VM on your cluster, then check out parsec gaming for streaming/gaming to said VM workstation!