I have a problem right now where I tried to restore a VM to a backup that has been completing successfully, but upon restore shows as corrupted.
The backup is via gzip to a NFS-mounted directory within a Proxmox node running the latest updates (Virtual Environment 6.2-11, kernel 6.2-5). The VM running the NFS server is on another proxmox node.
On a regular basis the backup job completes successfully, as shown below:
However upon attempting to restore the VM, it yields the following error hinting at a corrupt backup:
I tried repairing the gzip (using gzrt) but extracting the .vma file also fails per below:
Any thoughts or suggestions on what the issue could be, or logs I could share to assist with troubleshooting?
Also, as the original VM was destroyed in the act of restoring, I'd be highly appreciative for any tips on how I can extract any contents out of the .vma. If all my backups are corrupted (which I suspect they may be--currently pulling an archived backup to confirm) I'm hoping for tips on how I could recover some of the data.
The backup is via gzip to a NFS-mounted directory within a Proxmox node running the latest updates (Virtual Environment 6.2-11, kernel 6.2-5). The VM running the NFS server is on another proxmox node.
On a regular basis the backup job completes successfully, as shown below:
INFO: starting new backup job: vzdump --mode snapshot --compress gzip --mailto REDACTED@gmail.com --node kuzotz --mailnotification always --quiet 1 --all 1 --storage giddeus
INFO: Starting Backup of VM 3010 (qemu)
INFO: Backup started at 2020-08-31 02:30:02
INFO: status = running
INFO: VM Name: altepa
INFO: include disk 'scsi0' 'vmdata-kuzotz:vm-3010-disk-0' 300G
INFO: backup mode: snapshot
INFO: ionice priority: 7
INFO: creating vzdump archive '/mnt/pve/giddeus/dump/vzdump-qemu-3010-2020_08_31-02_30_02.vma.gz'
INFO: issuing guest-agent 'fs-freeze' command
INFO: issuing guest-agent 'fs-thaw' command
INFO: started backup task 'ab0d4e86-2a3f-499c-86e0-bb8806cb153a'
INFO: resuming VM again
INFO: status: 0% (58.0 MiB of 300.0 GiB), duration 3, read: 19.3 MiB/s, write: 19.0 MiB/s
INFO: status: 1% (3.0 GiB of 300.0 GiB), duration 112, read: 27.7 MiB/s, write: 20.3 MiB/s
INFO: status: 2% (6.0 GiB of 300.0 GiB), duration 272, read: 19.2 MiB/s, write: 19.0 MiB/s
INFO: status: 3% (9.0 GiB of 300.0 GiB), duration 432, read: 19.3 MiB/s, write: 19.3 MiB/s
INFO: status: 4% (12.0 GiB of 300.0 GiB), duration 593, read: 19.0 MiB/s, write: 19.0 MiB/s
INFO: status: 5% (15.0 GiB of 300.0 GiB), duration 752, read: 19.4 MiB/s, write: 19.4 MiB/s
INFO: status: 95% (285.0 GiB of 300.0 GiB), duration 15349, read: 18.5 MiB/s, write: 18.5 MiB/s
INFO: status: 96% (288.0 GiB of 300.0 GiB), duration 15516, read: 18.4 MiB/s, write: 18.4 MiB/s
INFO: status: 97% (291.0 GiB of 300.0 GiB), duration 15679, read: 18.9 MiB/s, write: 18.8 MiB/s
INFO: status: 98% (294.0 GiB of 300.0 GiB), duration 15840, read: 19.1 MiB/s, write: 19.1 MiB/s
INFO: status: 99% (297.0 GiB of 300.0 GiB), duration 16009, read: 18.2 MiB/s, write: 18.2 MiB/s
INFO: status: 100% (300.0 GiB of 300.0 GiB), duration 16176, read: 18.3 MiB/s, write: 18.3 MiB/s
INFO: transferred 300.00 GiB in 16176 seconds (19.0 MiB/s)
INFO: Backup is sparse: 0% (999.82 MiB) zero data
Warning: unable to close filehandle GEN60 properly: No space left on device at /usr/share/perl5/PVE/VZDump/QemuServer.pm line 671.
INFO: archive file size: 235.81GB
INFO: delete old backup '/mnt/pve/giddeus/dump/vzdump-qemu-3010-2020_08_24-02_30_02.vma.gz'
INFO: Finished Backup of VM 3010 (04:29:40)
INFO: Backup finished at 2020-08-31 06:59:42
INFO: Backup job finished successfully
However upon attempting to restore the VM, it yields the following error hinting at a corrupt backup:
restore vma archive: zcat /mnt/pve/giddeus/dump/vzdump-qemu-3010-2020_08_31-02_30_02.vma.gz | vma extract -v -r /var/tmp/vzdumptmp609.fifo - /var/tmp/vzdumptmp609
CFG: size: 596 name: qemu-server.conf
DEV: dev_id=1 size: 322122547200 devname: drive-scsi0
CTIME: Mon Aug 31 02:30:02 2020
Formatting '/mnt/pve/giddeus/images/3010/vm-3010-disk-0.raw', fmt=raw size=322122547200
new volume ID is 'giddeus:3010/vm-3010-disk-0.raw'
map 'drive-scsi0' to '/mnt/pve/giddeus/images/3010/vm-3010-disk-0.raw' (write zeros = 0)
progress 1% (read 3221225472 bytes, duration 55 sec)
progress 2% (read 6442450944 bytes, duration 84 sec)
progress 3% (read 9663676416 bytes, duration 117 sec)
progress 4% (read 12884901888 bytes, duration 214 sec)
progress 5% (read 16106127360 bytes, duration 312 sec)
progress 85% (read 273804165120 bytes, duration 10983 sec)
progress 86% (read 277025390592 bytes, duration 11107 sec)
progress 87% (read 280246616064 bytes, duration 11246 sec)
progress 88% (read 283467841536 bytes, duration 11392 sec)
progress 89% (read 286689067008 bytes, duration 11541 sec)
progress 90% (read 289910292480 bytes, duration 11706 sec)
gzip: /mnt/pve/giddeus/dump/vzdump-qemu-3010-2020_08_31-02_30_02.vma.gz: invalid compressed data--format violated
vma: restore failed - short vma extent (1146368 < 3801600)
/bin/bash: line 1: 620 Exit 1 zcat /mnt/pve/giddeus/dump/vzdump-qemu-3010-2020_08_31-02_30_02.vma.gz
628 Trace/breakpoint trap | vma extract -v -r /var/tmp/vzdumptmp609.fifo - /var/tmp/vzdumptmp609
temporary volume 'giddeus:3010/vm-3010-disk-0.raw' sucessfuly removed
no lock found trying to remove 'create' lock
TASK ERROR: command 'set -o pipefail && zcat /mnt/pve/giddeus/dump/vzdump-qemu-3010-2020_08_31-02_30_02.vma.gz | vma extract -v -r /var/tmp/vzdumptmp609.fifo - /var/tmp/vzdumptmp609' failed: exit code 133
I tried repairing the gzip (using gzrt) but extracting the .vma file also fails per below:
restore vma archive: vma extract -v -r /var/tmp/vzdumptmp12076.fifo /mnt/pve/giddeus/dump/vzdump-qemu-3010-2020_08_31-02_30_02.vma /var/tmp/vzdumptmp12076
CFG: size: 596 name: qemu-server.conf
DEV: dev_id=1 size: 322122547200 devname: drive-scsi0
CTIME: Mon Aug 31 02:30:02 2020
Logical volume "vm-3010-disk-0" created.
new volume ID is 'vmdata-kuzotz:vm-3010-disk-0'
map 'drive-scsi0' to '/dev/pve/vm-3010-disk-0' (write zeros = 0)
progress 1% (read 3221225472 bytes, duration 35 sec)
progress 2% (read 6442450944 bytes, duration 85 sec)
progress 3% (read 9663676416 bytes, duration 130 sec)
progress 4% (read 12884901888 bytes, duration 188 sec)
progress 5% (read 16106127360 bytes, duration 249 sec)
progress 6% (read 19327352832 bytes, duration 296 sec)
progress 7% (read 22548578304 bytes, duration 343 sec)
progress 8% (read 25769803776 bytes, duration 390 sec)
progress 85% (read 273804165120 bytes, duration 5265 sec)
progress 86% (read 277025390592 bytes, duration 5319 sec)
progress 87% (read 280246616064 bytes, duration 5380 sec)
progress 88% (read 283467841536 bytes, duration 5446 sec)
progress 89% (read 286689067008 bytes, duration 5530 sec)
progress 90% (read 289910292480 bytes, duration 5630 sec)
vma: restore failed - wrong vma extent header chechsum
Logical volume "vm-3010-disk-0" successfully removed
temporary volume 'vmdata-kuzotz:vm-3010-disk-0' sucessfuly removed
no lock found trying to remove 'create' lock
TASK ERROR: command 'set -o pipefail && vma extract -v -r /var/tmp/vzdumptmp12076.fifo /mnt/pve/giddeus/dump/vzdump-qemu-3010-2020_08_31-02_30_02.vma /var/tmp/vzdumptmp12076' failed: got signal 5
Any thoughts or suggestions on what the issue could be, or logs I could share to assist with troubleshooting?
Also, as the original VM was destroyed in the act of restoring, I'd be highly appreciative for any tips on how I can extract any contents out of the .vma. If all my backups are corrupted (which I suspect they may be--currently pulling an archived backup to confirm) I'm hoping for tips on how I could recover some of the data.