Console not catching control characters


Apr 15, 2021
I am checking the configuration of the updates in /etc/apt/sources.list using nano.
I am unable to exit the nano console because the Control character is not caught by the console: when I type CTRL + X to exit the page, it types a 'X' instead.

Please note:
  • I have installed PBS in a VM
  • within one of my Proxmox nodes
works here. please describe your desktop environment in full detail.
I just checked with SSH from Remmina and it works fine in Remmina's console.
So, no real emergency as there IS a workaround.
Should work, all here works on Debian, and some with nano too.

Which browser do you run? We test chrome/chromium, Firefox.
I am using Brave which is built upon Chrome.
I just checked with Firefox (87.0, last stable version) and it does the same.
I am using Brave which is built upon Chrome.
I just checked with Firefox (87.0, last stable version) and it does the same.

So you connect via https://yourIP:8007 and you open the console via Administration/Console?
as it works here, there must be something different on your side.

You run latest version? check with:

proxmox-backup-manager versions --verbose

and post the output.
OH, you are right!@ Now that you ask, in fact:
  • it works well whren I access it from the PBS Web interface, the one with the 8007 port
  • it bugs when I access it from the PROXMOX interface:
  • Screenshot-20210419-113123.png
Ok. So you access your VM with noVNC and not via the xterm.js console via the Proxmox Backup Server GUI and this causes the problem.

But also this should work, seems you have a wrong keyboard config? Anyway, this is not a Proxmox Backup Server topic, if you want to dig deeper here please open a new topic in Proxmox VE forum (include your VM config).
Not sure if the fix has been provided since this last post however, if you click the small arrow on the LHS of the noVNC window, you can enable the Ctrl key from there. Then Ctrl is captured as expected.