Confused on OVF Import & Ceph


New Member
Jul 30, 2023
I have a VM on my QNAP under Virtualization Station. I have shut it down, exported it as a .OVF, imported it using: qm "importovf 300 ./turnkey-core-16.1-buster-amd64.ovf HDD_500GB --format qcow2"

It imports just fine, takes a while, and it is going on a CEPH filesystem, however, after it is imported, I click on "start", I get this error: "TASK ERROR: storage 'prodfs' does not support content-type 'images'"

Here is the image I imported and the .raw format and directory it created after it imported...

root@bee-1:/mnt/pve/prodfs/images# ls -ltr
total 154892806
-rwxr-x--- 1 root root 5627 Jul 29 03:31 mail.ovf
-rwxr-x--- 1 root root 158610227200 Jul 29 04:45 mail_00.vmdk
drwxr----- 2 root root 1 Jul 29 10:30 150
root@bee-1:/mnt/pve/prodfs/images# ls -ltr 150
total 524288000
-rw-r----- 1 root root 536870912000 Jul 29 11:25 vm-150-disk-0.raw

I am sure I am missing just a simple step, but having a hard time to figuring it out. Have done a number of google searches. Would like to use/play with CEPH, but doesn't seem to be working too smoothly so far. Again, I'm sure it's just sometime small I am missing.
It seems like you are trying to import the disk image to a CephFS storage, which is not a recommended storage for VM disks. Rather than using CephFS, you probably want to use the RBD storage layer from Ceph which exposes Ceph as a block storage.

In order to be able to use RBD as storage, you should add a new storage under the Datacenter configuration of the RBD type and specify the respective Ceph pool you want to use for that storage. Be sure to select 'Disk image' as Content when creating the RBD storage, so you can use it as storage for VM disks.

Afterward you should be able to import the disk image via importovf.