Configure a VM to accept Spice clients

Kyran Storm

New Member
Jun 23, 2019
So i just discovered the usefulness of the Spice Display adapter thing.

And i want to set it up so That if someone downloads the spice viewer on their pc, they can put in spice://ip.address:_Port

I was looking through the spice documentation and it says that i have to append a line to the Qemu command line for the VM? Im not sure how to do that..

I *think* its goiing into the config file for the particular VM but im just not entirely sure.. hopefully someone here has a solution?
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* Spice in PVE is handled via the spice_proxy - which takes over authentication with the Ticket.
* you could add a regular spice config to the VM's command line via the 'args:' config-option I guess - but this would bypass the authentication system
(and you would need to make sure that the client can access the port on the PVE-node (firewall-rules))
* An alternative would be to create a user in PVE for everyone who wants to access spice and let them login via the GUI
* There is also the possibility to script the launching of spice viewer via the REST-API - see;hb=HEAD for a initial example
I hope this helps!
Can you pls share the above:
you could add a regular spice config to the VM's command line via the 'args:' config-option I guess - but this would bypass the authentication system
(and you would need to make sure that the client can access the port on the PVE-node (firewall-rules))

need the args: config option syntax
Can you pls share the above:
you could add a regular spice config to the VM's command line via the 'args:' config-option I guess - but this would bypass the authentication system
(and you would need to make sure that the client can access the port on the PVE-node (firewall-rules))

need the args: config option syntax
Found this on another forum. use this - will help somebody stuck

args: -spice port=xxxx,addr=,disable-ticketing