yea well i know but this is not what i ment as in promoting. this is what american comapnys have spot on.
the list contains 2 that dont even promote promox on their website or the PBS, 2 that do but only one offers pricing the other wants a request.
real promoting with a possible cashback flow to promox team could look like one click within the interface to a supported cloud provider with an easy as possible signup and transparent pricing comparison instead of working on cloud plugins that will work so so and change their api every other week (looking at the dropbox desaster and microsoft split brain onedrive and onedrive for business which are complete different products ffs)
also leading attention that there are actual hosting partner but also make em to promote this on their site as dedicaded product if they wanna be on the partner site.
and if they cant maybe offer it yourself. then extend this, work with real invested partner and maybe extend functionality and apis here and there to make it suiteable for the business model where needed.
this is to create an eco system of partner and experts that in turn will grow more users and potential customers.
but what do i know... just 2 cents...