Cloning Win10 VM as a completely new machine?


New Member
Sep 26, 2021

I'm testing Win10 Autopilot feature with Proxmox. It's an automated PC kittng process managed by MS Intune. It begins refreshing PC according to pre-registered HWID.csv, which is composed of hardware hash, serial etc. HWID is acquired by powershell command.

So, my question is, how can I clone a Win10 VM template as a complete new 'physical' machine?

I found that normal link-cloning of VM ends up the same hardware ID. The challenge is that once HWID is registered to Intune, I cannot reuse the VM with different configuration. If I re-create VMs each time, it generates different HWID and has no problem testing new config. But it's a bit of work installing Win10 ISO every time.

Would it be working if I change UUID & serial number of SMBIOS? Any idea is welcome. Thanks!
Hi demo2929,
I gave up using linked clone so that it generates fresh HWID for each WIn10/11 for further testing. Thanks.