After run
apt-get update
apt-get upgrade
Run pveupdate and pveupgrade. And normaly you can't run in such issue.After run
apt-get update
apt-get upgrade
the proxmox stop running.
I have the same problem after upgrading from pve-manager/4.2-17/e1400248 to pve-manager/4.2-23/d94f9458. The system stop here:Hi,
After run
apt-get update
apt-get upgrade
the proxmox stop running. I've tried hard reboot but still getting the same error as screenshot bellow:
This is a live production.
Any help will be appreciated!!
Thank you
Run pveupdate and pveupgrade. And normaly you can't run in such issue.
For Liveboot with ZFS i build an USBstick (installed PVE with ZFS). I confgured to use DHCP. I don't know the new recoverymode from disk. But with USBstick and installed PVE you can repair every Installation.
I have PVE installed on a usbstick, IP over DHCP. That's all. Avahi installed for easier discover.Can you clarify what you mean, is it PVE installed on a USB stick, or a special recovery image burned to a USB stick?