Backup NFS-Share with PBS

Carsten Czichos

Active Member
Mar 22, 2016
Hi, I'm now proud owner of a PBS Community Licence and everything looks great so far :D

And I just bought a LTO-6 Drive. The Integration with PBS also looks good.

But I have another wish: Mount a NFS - Synology - in PBS and backup the mount to the LTO Drive.

Is this possible? I can only find solutions for using NFS als a target.

Any Ideas out there?

Thank you, Carsten
Small amendment: You cannot backup directly to the tape drive - you have to backup the NFS to a datastore, and then you can write the contents of the datastore to tape.
Thank you, I will try that. I read the documentation. This is what I understood:
1. Mount the NFS-Share on a system where proxmox-backup-client ist installed - possibly the PBS itself
2. Backup the mount to the PBS
3. Write the data form the PBS to LTO
Did I get it right? If so, there is no way to write directly to LTO?

Thanks again, Carsten
Thank you, I will try that. I read the documentation. This is what I understood:
1. Mount the NFS-Share on a system where proxmox-backup-client ist installed - possibly the PBS itself
2. Backup the mount to the PBS
3. Write the data form the PBS to LTO
Did I get it right? If so, there is no way to write directly to LTO?

Thanks again, Carsten
Yes, you can do it exactly in the way you described! :)