[SOLVED] After upgrading to pve-kernel-5.4.203-1-pve does not start properly


New Member
Sep 16, 2022
Hi folks, I have a problem that I can't figure out myself and would really appreciate any input.

I introduce you...
I tried to update the proxmox kernel through the control panel via web and as usual when the update was finished, I decided to reboot the system as mentioned at the end of the log. During the installation, two postfix and grub configuration forms appeared, both of which I established with the configurations that the form itself gave by default.
This is what I got on console during the update: https://pastebin.com/Agt978Lf
This is what apt has in its logs: term.log history.log

Before fully rebooting the head node I upgraded some containers as well with apt update && apt upgrade without restarting any of these containers.
So I sent a reboot via control panel to fully reboot.
And this is the syslog after reboot: syslog

The machine is clearly bootable, but a few minutes after boot my hosting provider contacted me to inform me that the machine was "Host Unreachable" to them and would go into "Rescue Mode". I have tried to verify the grub configurations without any success, I thought it was coming from there. But the node tries to boot the containers, so I'm assuming it's a successful boot. At this point I have no idea what might have happened after this last update my machine went through.
I have tried to follow this wiki article to try to fix some problem with GRUB https://pve.proxmox.com/wiki/Recover_From_Grub_Failure and I did not get good results, everything remained the same

Please understand that it may not be an amazing description, but if details are missing just describe them and I will provide them in order to find out what happened here