
  1. V

    [SOLVED] Unable to change xterm.js font in Chromium browsers

    Having a bit of an odd issue. I seem to be unable to change the xterm.js font used in chromium based browsers, where I can enter things like monospace or sans-serif for the font family, but when entering something like "MesloLGL Nerd Font Mono" it just displays a serifed font.
  2. B

    [SOLVED] How to tell /vncwebsocket to reply in text mode suitable for xterm.js?

    Hi While integrating an xterm.js-based web terminal that talks to a Proxmox VM into my application I stumbled across the following issue. How can I tell the /vncwebsocket endpoint to answer using the text-based protocol documented in readme? I assumed that passing it a `vncticket` obtained...
  3. J

    [SOLVED] Cannot Proxy XTerm.js Traffic

    I'm creating a proxy for Proxmox's terminals here https://github.com/ConvoyPanel/coterm for my project called Convoy at https://convoypanel.com Convoy is a server management platform for hosting companies to lease out computing resources. Some hosts may want to hide the origin IP address of...
  4. J

    Is there a way to reopen a running shell after navigating away from the shell tab?

    I would like to revisit the shell tab to check up on a running job (and provide user input to the process). Is this possible? I haven't been able to find a way to do this. I see the job running in the task log, but I can't seem to open the shell view again to inspect the running process.
  5. P

    Cannot change xterm.js font in Firefox

    Hello all, I'm an archlinux user and mainly use firefox browser. I found the font in xterm.js is awful, and it doesn't change after I set the font to Noto Sans Mono. I have tried a new firefox profile but no use. Everything goes well in Chrome, I can freely change the font of xterm.js. I...
  6. S

    xterm.js for Windows guest

    Is it possible to use xterm.js for Windows guests? The copy and paste capability in xterm.js would be very helpful for Windows guests as well.
  7. A

    Webconsole on another webserver with xtermjs

    I am attempting to host a xtermjs terminal on another webserver. When using xtermjs library and javascript websocket the connection fails. import { Terminal } from 'xterm'; import { AttachAddon } from 'xterm-addon-attach'; const user = "root@pam"; const ticket =...
  8. T

    [SOLVED] xterm.js cutting off characters in Firefox

    After upgrading to pve v7, xterm is cutting off bottom of characters in Firefox (v90). I tried changing the settings for xterm but no luck. It works just fine in chrome and edge browser. I have included a snip of xterm.
  9. R

    xterm.js console doesnt set terminal size correctly

    Hi, The xterm.js terminal doesnt set the terminal size correctly causing the text to not wrap and overwrite the text on the current line The xterm.js console tries to set the tty size by sending "1:<cols>:<rows>:" over the websocket, however, this doesnt work Example: The actual tty size...
  10. S

    Is it possible to have containers auto login on the web gui like the node?

    I have searched all over the forum and all over Google without success. When I click on a container, and then shell, I get a prompt to login. I do NOT get this prompt when I select the node, then console. The node is automatically logged into the user. Is it possible to achieve the same...
  11. GarrettB

    [SOLVED] qm terminal [vmid] results in nothing - no logs, no errors?

    Hi, need help troubleshooting a no-response behavior after opening an xterm.js window for a VM. I created a new VM with Ubuntu 18.04 and selected settings like my other VMs: I have "serial0: socket" and "sockets: 1" in the config file. I also changed the grub file to read "console=tty0...
  12. S

    xterm.js 'shell' support for virtual machines

    I understand there is support for the 'shell' terminal management option available for the host, containers and serial but it would be fantastic if there was this support for virtual machines after I guess installing a bit of software. Please let me know how I go about setting this up...
  13. P

    [SOLVED] noVNC and xterm are not working since subdomain changes

    ::::: It has been SOLVED ::::: Until few days ago, I was using https://domain.ltd:8006 to login into the web UI but I've changed it to https://sub.domain.ltd and it seems something has been broken because I cannot use noVNC or xterm console outside LAN (there is no problem in LAN, it works...
  14. B

    console default

    So I've selected xterm.js as my console default option in the cluster, and configured both the host and guest system to use it, which is working, yet when I select console via the sidebar, it still goes to novnc. Is there a setting I'm missing?
  15. T

    [SOLVED] PVE 5.1-46 update broke xterm.js

    This morning, I updated my home server from PVE 5.1-43 to 5.1-46. Before the update, I had a handful of QEMU VMs that I configured serial sockets for so that I can use xterm.js (it's much faster when I'm on the go since I have a very restrictive bandwidth that noVNC can't quite make it through)...
  16. D

    [SOLVED] Unable to use Xterm.js

    I have tried to use Xterm.js for all servers yet it is working only for main proxmox nodes. We receive this: unable to find a serial interface Connection to closed.