vm disk

  1. O

    Ubuntu VM cannot boot after increase VM disk size

    I move my Ubuntu vm disk from one thinpool to another then I have increased my this vm disk from 200 to 400, and then I rebooted for it to regconize the new config, but it cannot boot anymore. Please help me, thank you guys !!!
  2. J

    Daten OMV sind in VM Disk dadurch LVM voll

    Hallo, ich habe einen kleinen Proxmoxserver mit Openmediavault, Homeassitant und IObroker. Die VMs habe ich auf der System SSD installiert (NVME). 2 Sata SSD habe ich direkt an OVM durchgereicht. Dort werden Photos und Dokumente gespeichert. Nun habe ich festgestellt, dass die Daten...
  3. E

    Access VM disk after ZFS corruption

    Hello! I have a proxmox VE with RAID10 ZFS main volume. Unfortunately 2 of the disks were inaccessible due to hardware fail (not the hdd), and the system crashed, and I got a corrupt filesystem. Now I can boot, but the GUI is not accessible, the server is accessible with SSH, but I cannot start...
  4. P

    i dont know how delete it, sorry

    i found my mistake and now i dont know how delete it sorry
  5. W

    Restoring VM from backup

    Hey everyone. I have a backup hard drive as a ZFS-pool containing the backup jobs I made of my VM. I plugged in my hard drive and Proxmox recognizes it contains vm-100-disk-0 under "VM Disks", but I can't figure out how to restore my VM from it. The only button highlighted is the "remove"...
  6. M

    Virtual disk usage

    Problem: Currently, we're unable to get an overview in Proxmox about the virtual disk usage. You will only get the total disk size (200GB), on the VM overview page: Even... when going to the storage location and click on "VM DIsks", it will only give me the total size: Solution: When I'm...
  7. D

    [SOLVED] Unsicherheit beim Löschen von disks/subvols

    Hallo, ich habe zwei Fragen, bei deren Beantwortung ich mir nicht sicher bin. Zum Hintergrund: ich habe ein Cluster mit 3 PVE’s (7.2.7) mit ZFS + PBS. Ich habe keine HA-Konfiguration (keine gemeinsames Storage sondern lokale SSD’s) sondern repliziere meine wichtigen VM’s / CT’s zyklisch...
  8. R

    Detach/Attach VM Disks

    Hello, I have a Proxmox-Server with a much VMs. Now I wanted to switch the VM disk from one VM to antoher VM. I have detached the VM disk. So now I cant attach this disk to any VM. I dont have access to this VM disk but I can see this disk at my Storage. How can I attach this disk again to...
  9. C

    VM disk deleted while running

    Hi, I managed to delete a VM disk a long time ago, while it was still running. Now, 8 months later, I stopped and tried to start a VM but it won't start because the disk is missing. 8 months ago I did a move: create full clone of drive virtio0 (ssd:100/vm-100-disk-0.qcow2) Formatting...
  10. D

    Import .vmx and vmdk in proxmox

    Hello, for school I need to start a virtual machine on proxmox. They gave me 2 files exported from esixi. They are a .vmx and a .vmdk that I have on my windows pc. I saw the VM migration page but it didn't help me. Can anyone help me?
  11. W

    VM not loading drive

    I've created a new VM with SCSI controller drive as know SCSI is faster and better then IDE and SATA and selected the 2nd drive attached the server /dev/sdb instead of /dev/sda then loaded the server to install Windows server 2016 however on initial setup the windows can't locate and load the...
  12. M

    Improve VM guest disk performance (Ceph, 10 GBE, Qemu, Virtio)

    Hello @all, we are running a Proxmox cluster with five nodes. Three of them are used for ceph, providing 2 pools, one with hdd, the other one with ssd. The two other nodes are used for virtualization with qemu. We have redundant 10 GBE storage networks and we have redundant 10 GBE ceph networks...
  13. Z

    Unable to parse directory volume name with pct create

    Hi, Tried to create a lxc container over command line: # pct create 108 local:vztmpl/debian-9.0-standard_9.7-1_amd64.tar.gz --hostname server1.name.dom --cpulimit 1 --cpuunits 1024 --memory 512 --swap 1024 --ostype debian --onboot 1 --net0...
  14. J

    Resize VM disk via Proxmox

    Hi, I tried increasing the VM's disk via Proxmox but it still stays the same, what can I do to fix this. Thanks in advance.
  15. R

    Umzug einer virt. Fetsplatte in andere VM?

    Hallo, ich möchte gerne eine VHD, die als "Daten-VHD" einer VM dient zu einer neuen VM "umziehen". Da ich dies noch nie gemacht habe und auf der umzuziehenden VHD mehr Daten sind als ich momentan zwischenspeichern könnte, möchte ich sicherheitshalber nachfragen: Ist...
  16. T

    [SOLVED] How to recovery files in VM-Disk on zfs pool

    Hi, Please help! My proxmox can't boot, says no such device: xxxxxxxxxx I tried lot of things to repair this issues, but i failed. Now, the import thing is to recovery the files in my vm, but with zfs pool, I can't see the files in VM-Disk (in my case is vm-100-disk-1). How to mount this...
  17. R

    [SOLVED] VG-PV from VM visible on PVE / Volume Communication Failure

    Hello, Following the creation of two VM (263 and 264) and the addition of disk, these two disks are now as PV and VG on the nodes: This has been a problem loading volumes on PVE and migrate disk: But VM working Here are the commands launched on the VM to integrate the disks: 220...
  18. J

    vma_queue_write: write error - Broken pipe

    Hi, I'm getting this error: "vma_queue_write: write error - Broken pipe" with output below: === INFO: starting new backup job: vzdump 500 600 700 800 --mailnotification always --quiet 1 --mailto email@email --compress gzip --mode snapshot --storage local INFO: Starting Backup of VM 500 (qemu)...
  19. S

    Slow disk speed on Windows VM

    Hi, I installed a fresh Proxmox VE and tested the speed of the disk: root@pve:~# dd if=/dev/zero of=./test bs=1G count=1 1+0 records in 1+0 records out...
  20. R

    Shared Storage Directory for VMs

    What is the best way to add a shared directory in VMs similar to how containers allow? My goal is as follows, provision storage on the main node disk to allow for VMs to store files into a mounted directory that can be shared (mounted) inside of other VM instances. Best regards, Ram