
  1. F

    Fixing SMART Data Reporting for HS-HUB-MHC201 USB Enclosure

    Problem: I was having issues getting Proxmox to correctly report SMART data for a hard drive connected via a HS-HUB-MHC201 USB enclosure. Proxmox relies on smartctl for SMART data, but the enclosure's USB-to-SATA bridge was causing smartctl to misbehave. Specifically, smartctl --scan was not...
  2. R

    Pass USB dongle to unprivileged LXC container

    I got a USB dongle at /dev/ttyUSB0 which I want to use in a Proxmox LXC Container. Device is available in the container, but the ownership troubles me. I found several potential solutions but not any has worked for me. Inspired by this thread I executed pct set 246 --dev0...
  3. M

    USB passthrough of a hub

    I saw this reply ok, we cannot take a usb hub and expose it to a vm, and then plug in usb devices without doing things in the virtualization host. My question is where this...
  4. J

    Microphone delay on guests using Pipewire?

    A year or so back I posted about this same issue both on the forum and on Reddit, I thought I'd maybe post again with new findings, here is the old thread but the short of it is, I was seeing...
  5. K

    External USB disks go to sleep and never wake up again

    I connected 2 external USB drives (1 HDD and 1 SSD NVMe) and both go to sleep and then they never wake up again. This happen even if I'm copying files from the internal disk to them resulting in a failed copy. I'd like to wake up them when necessary. Any hints?
  6. A

    [SOLVED] QEMU xhci driver for Windows 7

    Per title. I have an old printer that needs an old windows host to configure its WIFI. so I figured no sweat, I'll just fire up a windows 7 vm, right? Well, PVE8 seems to either preset the host USB or default to xhci, and no matter what I did (ehci:1) the virtual usb HBA is always showing...
  7. G

    USB locking on one VM?

    Good afternoon, all! I'm looking into ProxMox as a sandbox and dev platform, coming from a VMware/Nutanix background. I set up VE on an old laptop and it's working OK as far as it goes. I added a 500 GB USB drive to the laptop dock and mounted the filesystem on /mnt/usb01, then installed a...
  8. X

    [TUTORIAL] Proxmox PBS LXC mit USB-Festplatte für Backup-Synchronisation einrichten

    Hallo zusammen, ich bin seit einigen Tagen dabei, mich in Proxmox einzuarbeiten, und habe bereits erste Fortschritte gemacht. Allerdings stoße ich jetzt auf ein Problem, bei dem ich Hilfe benötige. Aktueller Stand: Proxmox VE (PVE): Läuft auf meinem PC und ist produktiv einsatzbereit...
  9. J

    3 USB Kameras - Passthrough - kein Bild für autodarts

    Hallo Leute, ich verbringe jetzt mehrere Tage damit das Setup hier ans laufen zu kriegen, aber so langsam verzweifle ich... ich versuche mich so kurz wie möglich zu halten. Ich habe ein Lenovo ThinkCentre M900 tiny mit aktuellem proxmox 8.3.1 laufen. Dort ist unter anderem auch TVheadend...
  10. D

    Audio Passthrough Issues - USB and PCIe

    Hello, I am struggling to get audio passthrough working well on one of my Proxmox machines. I have tried USB and PCIe passthrough and in either case I get minor crackles on occasion, but it's a bit better when using PCIe passthrough although still not acceptable to me. I believe the devices...
  11. V

    Proxmox erkennt USB falsch.

    Hallo zusammen, kurz vorab, ich bin relativ neu und habe leider noch nicht sehr viel Ahnung von Proxmox. Ich habve folgendes Problem: Ich habe Home Assistant als VM laufen und wollte nun meinen Sonos Zigbee Stick durchreichen. Das habe ich auch hinbekommen. Nun ist jedoch mein Problem, dass...
  12. N

    USB disk drive hotplug question

    I'm new to Proxmox VE after migrating from VMware ESXi, I'm running PVE 8.2.7. TL;DR: How does Proxmox and the virtual machine behave if I unplug a USB disk drive without unmounting properly on Windows Server despite being set with Quick removal policy? What are the chances of the VM or node...
  13. T

    Method to Copy PBS Backups Elsewhere?

    I'm in the process of redoing my proxmox cluster setup and PBS server. I don't want to lose the VM backed up in PBS as I'll need all that to restore to the new instances of PVE. Is it possible to connect a USB Drive or rclone or some other method to save what's in PBS' datastore and be able to...
  14. M

    [SOLVED] Proxmox Migration Error: Can't use an undefined value as an ARRAY reference

    If you encounter the below error while trying to migrate a VM from with CLI or with GUI. Do check if you have an unreferenced USB device added to the VM. This is something I encountered and solved while fiddling around. So letting you all know. BR, MB
  15. G

    Lost All USB device recognition with update/upgrade

    I'm lost, please help Just after successfully setting up a docker LXC as a cloudflare host for remote access, I seem to have caused some issue with the usb recognition on my host system. I am not sure if this issue is due to the LXC, but I know it was something I did today. Some investigation...
  16. K

    Why is one-to-many USB device attachment possible?

    I have 2 VMs in my Proxmox: one has GPU passthrough for my main Linux desktop. The other is a Windows VM which I use for work (accessing my employer). I generally remote-desktop from Linux into the Windows VM with Remmina (it works great because it's basically a "localhost" connection) during...
  17. A

    SSD vs. USB Hard Drive für Proxmox Media Server (z.B. Plex)

    Hallo zusammen, ich habe mir neulich einen Proxmox eingerichtet und kenne mich noch nicht so gut aus mit allen Themen. Ich habe bisher einige LXCs und VMs und würde auch gerne meine Fotos und Videos auch im lokalen Netz verfügbar machen. Im Moment habe ich eine 5TB USB Hard-Drive wo wir...
  18. A

    SSD vs. USB Hard Drive für Proxmox Media Server (z.B. Plex)

    Hallo zusammen, ich habe mir neulich einen Proxmox eingerichtet und kenne mich noch nicht so gut aus mit allen Themen. Ich habe bisher einige LXCs und VMs und würde auch gerne meine Fotos und Videos auch im lokalen Netz verfügbar machen. Im Moment habe ich eine 5TB USB Hard-Drive wo wir...
  19. V

    USB Port Passtrough via GUI on 8.2.5

    Hi, im trying to pass trough USB ports of the host system to my VMs. I Want them to be device and hub agnostic. I would prefer to add mappings for those ports before hand. All i can find is the usb port mapping option but it seems (other than the shell command) also depend on the plugged in...
  20. E

    External SSD over USB 3 not getting recognized

    I'm running into a weird issue with the latest updated Proxmox install where a USB 3 SSD (Samsung T5) passed through to a VM will not be recognized on the VM itself. The guest OS is Arch Linux, and this is what I get on the dmesg: [ 3.125565] usbcore: registered new interface driver...