upload file

  1. M

    Cannot upload or download ISO or LXC Templates

    Hey I have been having this issue for a few weeks now. Every time I go to upload or download from URL an ISO or a Template it is being stuck at the start. Here is what it looks like: So I have tried downloading from the commandline using pveam: ┌─[✗]─[root@proxima]─[~] └──╼ # pveam download...
  2. D

    [SOLVED] "Upload failed with code 0"

    Hi, new on this forum but have been using PVE for a couple of months. I have recently build a 3 node cluster and I am now stating to receive error messages when uploading large ISO files from one of my local computers. Is more or less at the same point in the uploads (around80%) I get the...
  3. A

    Connection drops: uploading file to guest webserver hangs after 10 seconds

    I have a SoYouStart dedicated server with Proxmox 5.2 installed I'm failing to upload files to guest webservers, the upload is stuck at around 10~12 seconds after starting, at my connection speed a 10 MB file takes around 18 seconds to get uploaded, i could never finish it. on a faster...
  4. S

    Cannot upload ISO > 2GB

    When i try to upload a ISO Image via the Web Interface the upload aborts at around 2GB. This happens with either Firefox or Chrome (Mac OS). Is that a known issue? Is their a server config i can change to allow that? Uploading via scp is working btw.
  5. D

    Can't upload to ceph storage

    Hi! I have Proxmox 4.2 cluster configured (https://pve.proxmox.com/wiki/Proxmox_VE_4.x_Cluster) with ceph storage (http://pve.proxmox.com/wiki/Ceph_Server#Ceph_Pools). Proxmox version is root@prox1:/etc/pve# pveversion pve-manager/4.2-4/2660193c (running kernel: 4.4.8-1-pve) without...