
  1. U

    Granular Rule Name Statistics

    Is there a location in the database where statistics that are granular to the spam rule name are tracked? I am looking to determine if there are some rules which can have nuclear custom scores put on them so that they become hard block rules, but I want to determine if any of these rules are...
  2. P

    Allgemeine Frage zu den Statistiken

    Hab noch ne Allgmeine Frage zu den statistiken Bounces sind doch nicht zustellbarae Mails oder? Laut den Statistiken habe ich den einen Tag von 170 Mails 69 Bounces. Im Message Trackingcenter stehen aber nur 4 Mails als queued/bounce und 6 als queued/deferred. wo kommt denn die Zahl her.
  3. W

    Proxmox "Disk IO" graph confusion

    I'm a bit confused regarding "Disk IO" graph (per VM) in Proxmox. The different thread where this topic is discussed concludes that: which indicates to me that it's a total amount of data written/read in a particular window of time. So, from what I understand, it's a total written/read and not...
  4. S

    [SOLVED] Extend statistics for sender

    I'm using Mail Gateway 7.3.-3. In Statistics->Sender I have data for the last 7 days and before that I get "No data in database". How can I extend that period, let's say for a month? Thank you.
  5. M

    Zusammensetzung der Statistiken

    Hallo Community, ich Frage mich derzeit wie sich die Statistiken der Weboberfläche zusammensetzen. Im Besonderen geht es hier um den Punkt "Bounces" in der Sektion "Outgoing Mails". Wie und wann werden Mails als ausgehende Bounces gezählt? Leider konnte ich in der Dokumentation und hier im...
  6. R

    [SOLVED] More detailed history of statistics

    In PBS the statistics, CPU & memory usage, server load etc, when looking further back, are much more detailed than in PVE. For example, in PVE, when looking back 1 day, the interval is already reduced to half an hour. In PBS you can still see minute intervals from a day back. When looking a...
  7. S

    API how to use 'GET /api2/json/nodes/{node}/qemu --full' via HTTP/proxmoxer

    Hello, How can I use HTTP style of CLI : pvesh get /nodes/{node}/qemu --full GET /api2/json/nodes/{node}/qemu --full ? here is working example from proxmoxer wrapper but without "full" def vm_current_all(targetnode): x = proxmox.nodes(targetnode).qemu().get() return x
  8. X


    Hello Folks. Is it possible to have the same Incoming Mails Statistics for the Outgoing Mails? I ask this because when we have a lot (many) internal servers with many domains on each server, It would be nice to have the same stats for outgoing. As PMG filters the same incoming fields, it would...
  9. S

    PMG Statistics...

    I tried to use PMG as mailhub. I see in the /var/log/ 376 messages grep "status=sent" /var/log/ | wc -l 376 But PMG Statistics show me 85 Is it normal?
  10. G

    Statistics: Spam Scores shows negative values

    # pmgversion -v proxmox-mailgateway: 6.4-1 (API: 6.4-3/225ecb80, running kernel: 5.4.106-1-pve) pmg-api: 6.4-3 pmg-gui: 2.4-1 pve-kernel-5.4: 6.3-8 pve-kernel-helper: 6.3-8 pve-kernel-5.4.106-1-pve: 5.4.106-1 pve-kernel-5.4.103-1-pve: 5.4.103-1 pve-kernel-5.4.101-1-pve: 5.4.101-1...
  11. L

    Feature Request: Bounce Rate für ausgehende E-Mails überwachen

    Hi, aktuell kann unter Statistiken › Domain › Ausgehend nur der Traffic und die Anzahl an Mails sowie Viren dargestellt werden. Hier würde ich mir wünschen, dass zusätzlich die Bounce Rate dargestellt wird. Sowohl in Prozent als auch in einer absoluten Zahl je nach definiertem Zeit Filter...
  12. J

    Wrong Memory Stats on VM from Proxmox 6

    Hi; I saw few post on this in the past but no answer make really sense. Here Proxmox tell me my OpenMediaVault use more than 90% of the allocated memory (independently how much I give to this VM) but in reality OMV only use 5%. There is a way to fix that ?
  13. R

    PMG and Grafana Stats with InfluxDB status.cfg

    Hello everyone, Is it possible to have some Grafana Stats for Proxmox Mailgateway in InfluxDB with Grafana Dashboard? With Promox PVE no problem ( ) Is there any way to have External Metric Server for Proxmox Mailgateway? Thanks!
  14. J

    Statistics for mails through sasl authenticated clients

    Hi, I setup up sasl authenticated for relayed emails for clients after successful authentication on the promox mail. It works fine but I can't seem to find mail statistics for the delivered emails on the untrusted SMTP port 25. I can see the mail in the Tracking Center and the Hourly...
  15. I

    [feature] ham-emails in statistics charts

    the statistics charts in the web-interface allow me to enable/disable of following categories (inbound): - Incoming Mails - Junk Mails - Virus Mails - Bounces for reasons unknown, i cannot enable/disable a chart for good HAM mails, which is probably just the difference between incoming and...
  16. S

    Export statistics data

    Greetings, Is there a way to export statistics data from PMG to csv file? I need the kind of information like proxmox status report mail. Maybe a sql query. Thanks