
  1. U

    Spam Score Max

    Is there a spam score max/limit number in proxmox/spamassassin?
  2. X

    Bypass spamassassin rule per domain.

    Hello, One of our collaborators entered to the Raptor RBL and SpamAssassin applies this rule: KAM_FROM_URIBL_PCCC 9 From address listed in PCCC WILD RBL ( Meanwhile our collaborator manages the de-listing process we need to find a quick solution to deliver...
  3. A

    Interfacing PMG with a Neural Network for spam score alteration

    Hi, I have trained a small model with highly curated spam and ham from our own PMG instance. The model is behaving extremely well and I would like to use it to alter the spam score from PMG's spamassassin slightly. Currently, * the model can be ran in CLI in a conda env * it accepts an .eml...
  4. F

    Add score based on Office hours

    Hello, I know that it is rather SpamAssasin oriented configuration, but has a user managed to create a rule assigning a negative score if an email is received outside working hours? Typically, at night. I am in the French (France) time zone. Thanks :) Regards, Philippe
  5. J

    spamrule on recipient

    Hi, I want to give spam points on special recipients. The reason is, this special recipients are spamtraps, if they get mail it is for sure spam and spamassassin (bayes, AWL) could learn. The biggest problem is to get the real envelope recipient to spamassassin. My first guess was to make a...
  6. T

    [SOLVED] Spamassassin won't autolearn

    Hello dear Forum I am trying to get autolearn for the bayesian filter running but it won't work when I artificially try to trigger it. As I understood it, there are the following prerequisites for the autolearn to hit and learn spam: - "Use Bayesian filter" shall be set to "Yes" under "Spam...
  7. A

    [SOLVED] Spamassassin false positive for local surname.

    Hi! Spamassassing KAM_SEX_EXPLICIT rule contains many english sexual related words. One word "horny" is appear in a local (hungarian) surname called "Hornyák" Coz of this every mail address whos owner called hornyak blocked. For example: hornyak.maria@ or hornyakistvan@ My workaround currently...
  8. M

    [SOLVED] Overriding Spam Assassin Scores

    HI Everyone, I'm having legitimate mail being flagged/blocked by two particular spam assassin rules. I don't seem to be able to alter the rule scores though. I'm following the admin guide 4.7.3 Customization of Rulescores But...
  9. T

    Improve AWL

    What is the best way to train AWL? I see that legitimate emails he should score -4, but he often ends up putting +4 How can I teach more finely?
  10. S

    POP3 with Fetchmail scores each mail with RDNS_NONE(1.274)

    When collecting mails via fetchmail, all mails are rated with a score of 1.274. Message in Quarantine: Delivered to internal network by a host with no rDNS. All IPs and domains can be resolved. to localhost. How to fix or disable rdns lookup in case of fetchmail? Thanks in advance...
  11. T

    [SOLVED] Update SpamAssassin Custom Rules and Apply Them

    Not sure if it's a bug or a case of user error, however if I apply changes to my SpamAssassin rules, I don't have a mechanism to 'live update' the rules with the new Customized SA rules. The headache I run into with this is several custom patterns have been added live, and I've had no way to...
  12. F

    How to use global blacklist to increase spam score?

    Hi guys, My company have hundreds of Brazilian domains and emails in our PMG (5.0.78) global blacklist. Even with these domains and emails entries in global blacklist, we still receiving a lot of spam from them passing thru PMG and going to our mailboxes. We changed the blacklist rule also to...