Spamassassing KAM_SEX_EXPLICIT rule contains many english sexual related words.
One word "horny" is appear in a local (hungarian) surname called "Hornyák"
Coz of this every mail address whos owner called hornyak blocked. For example: hornyak.maria@ or hornyakistvan@
My workaround currently is i created a custom score in spam detection for KAM_SEX_EXPLICIT with score 0. So this check skipped. But of course now all email what contain sexually explicit content not get scored, so this is not a perfect solution.
Any idea how can i solve this somehow better?
Spamassassing KAM_SEX_EXPLICIT rule contains many english sexual related words.
One word "horny" is appear in a local (hungarian) surname called "Hornyák"
Coz of this every mail address whos owner called hornyak blocked. For example: hornyak.maria@ or hornyakistvan@
My workaround currently is i created a custom score in spam detection for KAM_SEX_EXPLICIT with score 0. So this check skipped. But of course now all email what contain sexually explicit content not get scored, so this is not a perfect solution.
Any idea how can i solve this somehow better?