
  1. T

    [TUTORIAL] Connect automatically to SFTP Remote Storage and use it for Backup (e.g Strato HiDrive)

    Community, for my case I've been looking for a workaround to bring out my backup data weekly without creating a new pbs server remotly. For this workaround and my solution I'm using my existing external SFTP Storage from a german company Strato (Product "HiDrive). So let's rock ... 1. Login...
  2. I

    [SOLVED] How to sync FileZilla with proxmox?

    Hey there, wonder how to transfer files from my Desktop to my Proxmox Server through FileZilla Pro. Please have a look on the screenshot, maybe I did something wrong. Should I enable something with Prixmox? thank you
  3. P

    [SOLVED] Connect by sftp on container but not as root

    Hi Proxmox Community! After much research on the subject and yet still no concrete answer, I ask for your help to try to resolve an issue on unprivileged containers. I try by all means to connect on my containers SFTP but without using the root account created by default. Each time I try to...
  4. F

    Installing third party web software how to

    I need to install a web interface for my SFTP users, who cannot login via shell, only SFTP. I found this software, and don't know how to apply the instructions to the proxmox server https://www.monstaftp.com/guides/how-to-install-monsta-ftp Yours Federico
  5. W

    remote sftp & SSH

    greetings !... is it possible to connect to a guest (CT or VM) using SFTP i.e. via a remote MacOS terminal outside of the Datacenter ? Basically I am trying to work with the folder structure and files directly using a terminal or IDE or FTP client... without going via the host... same applies...
  6. I

    Cannot transfer files larger than 48 kb via SFTP or SCP to Proxmox Server

    Hello All, I have been using Proxmox now for quite some time and never had this problem in the past. Back in December a server failed and I had to do a fresh install on a new server and and restore my VMs. Since that time, I have not been able to transfer files larger than 48 kb via SFTP or...